首页> 外文期刊>The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America >An acoustical study of sound production in biphonic singing, Xoomij.

An acoustical study of sound production in biphonic singing, Xoomij.


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A theory that the high melody pitch of biphonic singing, Xoomij, is produced by the pipe resonance of the rear cavity in the vocal tract is proposed. The front cavity resonance is not critical to the production of the melody pitch. This theory is derived from acoustic investigations on several three-dimensional shapes of a Xoomij singer's vocal tract measured by magnetic resonance imaging. Four different shapes of the vocal tract are examined, with which the melody pitches of F6, G6, A6, and C7 are sung, along with the F3 drone of a specific pressed voice. The second formant frequency calculated from each tract shape is close to the melody pitch within an error of 36 cents. Sounds are synthesized by convolving a glottal source waveform provided by the Rosenberg model with transfer functions calculated from the vocal tract shapes. Two pitches are found to be successfully perceived when the synthesized sounds are listened to. In a frequency range below 2 kHz, their spectra have a strong resemblance to those of the sounds actually sung. The synthesized sounds, however, fail to replicate the harmonic clustering at 4-5 kHz observed in the actual sounds. This is speculated to originate from the glottal source specific to the "pressed" timbre of the drone.
机译:提出了一种理论,即双声道演唱的高旋律音高Xoomij是由声道后腔的管道共振产生的。前腔共振对于旋律音高的产生并不关键。该理论源自对磁共振成像测量的Xoomij歌手的声道的几种三维形状的声学研究。检查了四种不同的声道​​形状,用它们唱出了F6,G6,A6和C7的旋律音高,以及特定按下声音的F3无人机。根据每个通道形状计算出的第二共振峰频率接近旋律音高,误差为36美分。通过将Rosenberg模型提供的声门源波形与根据声道形状计算出的传递函数进行卷积来合成声音。当聆听合成声音时,发现可以成功感知到两个音高。在低于2 kHz的频率范围内,它们的频谱与实际演唱的声音非常相似。但是,合成声音无法复制实际声音中观察到的4-5 kHz的谐波簇。据推测,这是由于声源特定于无人机的“受压”音色。



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