首页> 外文期刊>The Journal of rheumatology >Characteristics of joint involvement and relationships with systemic inflammation in systemic sclerosis: results from the EULAR Scleroderma Trial and Research Group (EUSTAR) database.

Characteristics of joint involvement and relationships with systemic inflammation in systemic sclerosis: results from the EULAR Scleroderma Trial and Research Group (EUSTAR) database.


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OBJECTIVE: To determine the prevalence of and independent factors associated with joint involvement in a large population of patients with systemic sclerosis (SSc). METHODS: This study was cross-sectional, based on data collected on patients included in the European League Against Rheumatism (EULAR) Scleroderma Trials and Research (EUSTAR) registry. We queried this database to extract data regarding global evaluation of patients with SSc and the presence of any clinical articular involvement: synovitis (tender and swollen joints), tendon friction rubs (rubbing sensation detected as the tendon was moved), and joint contracture (stiffness of the joints that decreased their range of motion). Overall joint involvement was defined by the occurrence of synovitis and/or joint contracture and/or tendon friction rubs. RESULTS: We recruited 7286 patients with SSc; their mean age was 56 +/- 14 years, disease duration 10 +/- 9 years, and 4210 (58%) had a limited cutaneous disease subset. Frequencies of synovitis, tendon friction rubs, and joint contractures were 16%, 11%, and 31%, respectively. Synovitis, tendon friction rubs, and joint contracture were more prevalent in patients with the diffuse cutaneous subset and were associated together and with severe vascular, muscular, renal, and interstitial lung involvement. Moreover, synovitis had the highest strength of association with elevated acute-phase reactants taken as the dependent variable. CONCLUSION: Our results highlight the striking level of articular involvement in SSc, as evaluated by systematic examination in a large cohort of patients with SSc. Our data also show that synovitis, joint contracture, and tendon friction rubs are associated with a more severe disease and with systemic inflammation.
机译:目的:确定大量系统性硬化症(SSc)患者中关节受累的患病率和独立因素。方法:本研究是横断面的,基于对欧洲抗风湿病联盟(EULAR)硬皮病试验和研究(EUSTAR)注册表中收集的患者数据。我们查询该数据库以提取有关SSc患者的整体评估以及是否存在任何临床关节受累的数据:滑膜炎(关节滑行和肿胀),肌腱摩擦擦(在肌腱移动时检测到摩擦感)和关节挛缩(僵硬)关节的活动范围缩小)。滑膜炎和/或关节挛缩和/或肌腱摩擦擦的发生定义了整体关节受累情况。结果:我们招募了7286例SSc患者;他们的平均年龄为56 +/- 14岁,疾病持续时间为10 +/- 9岁,而4210(58%)的皮肤疾病亚群有限。滑膜炎,腱摩擦擦和关节挛缩的发生率分别为16%,11%和31%。滑膜炎,肌腱磨擦和关节挛缩在弥漫性皮肤亚群患者中更为普遍,并伴有严重的血管,肌肉,肾脏和间质性肺受累。此外,滑膜炎与急性期反应物升高相关的强度最高。结论:我们的结果突显了SSc的关节受累程度,这是通过对一大批SSc患者进行系统检查得出的。我们的数据还表明,滑膜炎,关节挛缩和肌腱磨擦与更严重的疾病和全身性炎症有关。



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