首页> 外文期刊>The Lancet >Epidemiological and diagnostic aspects of the outbreak of pneumonic plague in Madagascar.

Epidemiological and diagnostic aspects of the outbreak of pneumonic plague in Madagascar.


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BACKGROUND: Plague is a re-emerging disease and pneumonic plague is the most feared clinical form. We describe a well-documented outbreak of pneumonic plague in Madagascar. METHODS: Field epidemiological data were collected. Biological tests (microscopy, culture of Yersinia pestis, F1 antigen ELISA and dipstick assays, IgG anti-F1 ELISA) were done on sputum, serum, or necropsy samples. The infection rate among 154 contacts was assessed by anti-F1 serological techniques. FINDINGS: The index case was a bubonic patient with a secondary lung infection, who contaminated a traditional healer and his family. Funeral ceremonies and attendance on patients contaminated other villagers. In total 18 cases were recorded, and eight died. F1 antigen could be detected in sputum by ELISA and dipstick tests as early as the second day after the onset of the symptoms and also 48 h after treatment. Among the contact population 13 of 154 (8.4%) have been exposed to the plague bacillus (symptomless or latent infections). INTERPRETATION: The F1 dipstick assay on sputum is an invaluable diagnostic tool for pneumonic plague. Treatment of patients and chemoprophylaxis of contacts were efficient in stopping the epidemic.
机译:背景:鼠疫是一种新出现的疾病,肺鼠疫是最令人担忧的临床形式。我们描述了马达加斯加爆发的肺炎鼠疫的有据可查的事件。方法:收集现场流行病学数据。对痰液,血清或尸检样品进行了生物学测试(显微镜检查,鼠疫耶尔森氏菌培养,F1抗原ELISA和试纸检测,IgG抗F1 ELISA)。通过抗F1血清学技术评估了154位接触者中的感染率。结果:索引病例是一名患有继发性肺部感染的布氏病患者,该患者感染了传统的治疗师及其家人。病人的葬礼和出席仪式污染了其他村民。总共记录了18例,死亡8例。最早在症状发作后第二天以及治疗后48小时,即可通过ELISA和试纸检测在痰液中检测到F1抗原。在154个接触人群中,有13个(8.4%)接触过鼠疫杆菌(无症状或潜伏感染)。解释:痰中的F1试纸检测是诊断肺炎鼠疫的宝贵工具。对患者的治疗和化学预防接触可以有效地停止流行。



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