首页> 外文期刊>The Journal of Reproduction and Development >Seasonal variations of sex steroid hormones in follicular fluid, and their follicular morphologies in mares.

Seasonal variations of sex steroid hormones in follicular fluid, and their follicular morphologies in mares.


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Ovaries containing a total of 194 follicles >10 mm in diameter were collected from 28 mares slaughtered in January, March, May, August and October at an abattoir in south-western Japan. Large follicles >40 mm in diameter and corpora lutea (determined by ultrasonography) were observed in ovaries collected in March, May and August, whilst they were absent in January. Ovaries collected in October had a corpora lutea but no large follicles. Follicular development were classified into 4 stages dependingon morphological findings (non-atretic, mild atretic, atretic and heavy-atretic). Most follicles were classified as atretic, while non-atretic large follicles >40 mm in diameter were observed only in ovaries collected in March to August. In October andJanuary, only medium-sized non-atretic follicles, 30-40 mm in diameter, were observed. Oestradiol-17beta and progesterone concentrations in follicular fluid decreased as the follicle became atretic. It is concluded that the breeding season had already started by March and continued until August, with some ovarian activity throughout the non-breeding season.
机译:从1月,3月,5月,8月和10月在日本西南部的一个屠宰场屠宰的28匹母马中收集了总共194个直径大于10毫米的卵泡。在三月,五月和八月收集的卵巢中观察到直径大于40毫米的大卵泡和黄体(通过超声检查确定),而在一月​​不存在。十月收集的卵巢有黄体,但没有大卵泡。卵泡发育根据形态学发现分为四个阶段(非闭锁,轻度闭锁,闭锁和重闭锁)。大多数卵泡被归类为闭锁卵泡,而仅在3月至8月收集的卵巢中观察到直径大于40 mm的非闭锁大卵泡。在十月和一月,仅观察到直径为30-40毫米的中型非闭孔卵泡。随着卵泡闭锁,卵泡液中的雌二醇-17beta和孕酮浓度降低。结论是,繁殖季节已经在3月开始,并一直持续到8月,整个非繁殖季节都有一些卵巢活动。



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