首页> 外文期刊>The Journal of Reproduction and Development >Non-CpG Methylation Occurs in the Regulatory Region of the Sry Gene

Non-CpG Methylation Occurs in the Regulatory Region of the Sry Gene


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The Sry (sex determining region on Y chromosome) gene is a master gene for sex determination. We previously reported that the Sry gene has tissue-dependent and differentially methylated regions (T-DMRs) by analyzing the DNA methylation states at CpG sites in the promoter regions. In this study, we found unique non-CpG methylation at the internal cytosine in the 5'-CCTGG-3' pentanucleotide sequence in the Sry T-DMR. This non-CpG methylation was detected in four mouse strains (ICR, BALB/c, DBA2 and C3H), but not in two strains (C57BL/6 and 129S1), suggesting that the CCTGG methylation is tentative and unstable. Interestingly, this CCTGG methylation was associated with demethylation of the CpG sites in the Sry T-DMR in the developmental process. A methylation-mediated promoter assay showed that the CCTGG methylation promotes gene expression. Our finding shows that non-CpG methylation has unique characteristic and is still conserved in mammals.
机译:Sry(Y染色体上的性别决定区域)基因是性别决定的主要基因。通过分析启动子区域CpG位点的DNA甲基化状态,我们先前报道了Sry基因具有组织依赖性和甲基化差异区域(T-DMR)。在这项研究中,我们在Sry T-​​DMR的5'-CCTGG-3'五核苷酸序列的内部胞嘧啶中发现了独特的非CpG甲基化。在四个小鼠品系(ICR,BALB / c,DBA2和C3H)中检测到了这种非CpG甲基化,但在两个品系(C57BL / 6和129S1)中未检测到,这表明CCTGG甲基化是暂时的且不稳定的。有趣的是,这种CCTGG甲基化与发育过程中Sry T-​​DMR中CpG位点的脱甲基有关。甲基化介导的启动子测定表明CCTGG甲基化促进基因表达。我们的发现表明,非CpG甲基化具有独特的特征,并且在哺乳动物中仍然保守。



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