首页> 外文期刊>The Journal of Reproduction and Development >Withdrawal of Ovarian Steroids Stimulates Prostaglandin F2 alpha Production Through Nuclear Factor-kappa B Activation via Oxygen Radicals in Human Endometrial Stromal Cells: Potential Relevance to Menstruation

Withdrawal of Ovarian Steroids Stimulates Prostaglandin F2 alpha Production Through Nuclear Factor-kappa B Activation via Oxygen Radicals in Human Endometrial Stromal Cells: Potential Relevance to Menstruation


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The present study was undertaken to investigate whether withdrawal of estrogen and progesterone (EP-withdrawal) stimulates prostaglandin F2 alpha (PGF2a) production through oxygen radical (ROS)-induced NF-KB activation in human endometrial stromal cells (ESC). To study the EP-withdrawal, ESC that had been treated with estradiol (E, 10~(-8) M) and medroxyprogesterone acetate (MPA, 10~(-6) M) for 12 days were then incubated with or without E+MPA for a further 11 days, PGF2 alpha concentrations in the medium and cydooxygenase-2 (COX-2) mRNA levels were significantly increased after EP-withdrawal, while they were unchanged by the continuous treatment with E+MPA, When ESC were incubated with N-acetyl-L-cysteine (Nac, 50 mM), an antioxidant, during EP-withdrawal, Nac blocked the increases in PGF2 alpha production and COX-2 mRNA expression caused by EP-withdrawal. Next, we examined whether ROS generated in response to EP-withdrawal acted through NF-KB activation. Electrophoretic mobility shift assay revealed that EP-withdrawal caused marked increases in NF-KB DNA binding activity, which was completely suppressed by Nac. Furthermore, when ESC were incubated with MG132 (3 mu M), which inhibits NF-KB activation, during EP-withdrawal, MG132 blocked the increases in PGF2 alpha production and COX-2 mRNA expression caused by EP-withdrawal. In conclusion, EP-withdrawal stimulates COX-2 expression and PGF2 alpha production through ROS-induced NF-KB activation, suggesting a possible mechanism for menstruation.
机译:进行本研究以调查雌激素和孕酮的撤除(EP撤离)是否通过氧自由基(ROS)诱导的人子宫内膜基质细胞(ESC)中的NF-κB活化来刺激前列腺素F2α(PGF2a)的产生。为了研究EP的退出,将经过雌二醇(E,10〜(-8)M)和醋酸甲羟孕酮(MPA,10〜(-6)M)处理12天的ESC与或不与E +一起孵育MP停放11天后,EP撤除后,培养基中的PGF2α浓度和cydooxygenase-2(COX-2)mRNA含量显着增加,而当ESC与N-乙酰基-L-半胱氨酸(Nac,50 mM),一种抗氧化剂,在EP撤药期间,Nac阻止了EP撤药导致PGF2α产生和COX-2 mRNA表达的增加。接下来,我们检查了响应EP退出而产生的ROS是否通过NF-KB激活起作用。电泳迁移率变动分析表明,EP撤离导致NF-KB DNA结合活性显着增加,而Nac则完全抑制了这种结合。此外,当将ESC与抑制NF-κB活化的MG132(3μM)一起孵育时,在EP撤除期间,MG132阻止了由EP撤除引起的PGF2α产量和COX-2 mRNA表达的增加。总之,EP退出通过ROS诱导的NF-KB激活刺激COX-2表达和PGF2α的产生,这提示了月经的可能机制。



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