首页> 外文期刊>The neurologist. >Posttraumatic dystonia and hemiplegic migraine: Different expressions of neuronal hyperexcitability?

Posttraumatic dystonia and hemiplegic migraine: Different expressions of neuronal hyperexcitability?


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The development of focal hand dystonia after a traumatic injury of the central or the peripheral nervous system is a rare condition with multifactorial predisposing factors. We report on a patient who developed focal dystonia of the left hand after a cervical whiplash injury. Magnetic resonance imaging did not show cerebral or spinal lesions, whereas a brain F-FDG PET scan revealed hypometabolism of the right primary sensory-motor cortex extending to the inferior and superior parietal lobule. The patient had a history of recurrent migraine attacks. Four months before the whiplash injury, she had transient dystonic posture of the left hand during a hemiplegic migraine attack. Brain magnetic resonance imaging scan and neurovascular investigations were negative. Among the predisposing factors to the development of trauma-induced dystonia, a putative role of neuronal hyperexcitability, shared by migraine and dystonia, is discussed.
机译:中枢或周围神经系统外伤后局灶性手肌张力障碍的发展是一种罕见的病因,具有多因素诱发因素。我们报道了一名颈部颈椎鞭打伤后发展为左手局灶性肌张力障碍的患者。磁共振成像未显示大脑或脊柱病变,而脑部F-FDG PET扫描显示右原发感觉运动皮层低代谢,延伸至下顶叶和上顶叶。该患者有反复偏头痛发作的病史。鞭打受伤前四个月,她在偏瘫偏头痛发作期间左手短暂的肌张力异常。脑磁共振成像扫描和神经血管检查均为阴性。在外伤性肌张力障碍发展的诱发因素中,讨论了偏头痛和肌张力障碍共有的神经元过度兴奋性的推定作用。



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