首页> 外文期刊>The Journal of the Association of Nurses in AIDS Care: JANAC >'Doing it blindfolded' -Successful administration of enfuvirtide by a person living with HIV and blindness: A case study of treatment access and disability

'Doing it blindfolded' -Successful administration of enfuvirtide by a person living with HIV and blindness: A case study of treatment access and disability


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Derek, a 61-year-old man, was diagnosed with HIV infection in 1985. He became blind in both eyes in 1995 after an episode of herpes zoster ophthalmicus, and in 1999, he underwent a splenectomy for throm-bocytopenia. Derek lives alone with his guide dog. Assistance from community services allows him to maintain his independence, which he values highly. He travels frequently and enjoys attending opera, theater, and films, and spending time with friends. He had a career as a nurse but stopped work in the mid-1980s when he first became unwell with HIV disease.
机译:德里克(Derek)是一位61岁的男性,他于1985年被诊断出感染了HIV。1995年,他患上了眼带状疱疹,双眼失明; 1999年,他因脾血友病患者接受了脾切除术。德里克(Derek)和他的导盲犬独自生活。社区服务的帮助使他得以保持独立,这是他高度重视的。他经常旅行,喜欢看歌剧,戏剧和电影,并和朋友们在一起。他的职业生涯是护士,但在1980年代中期第一次染上艾滋病毒时感到不适。



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