首页> 外文期刊>The Journal of the Association of Genetic Technologists >New Molecular Insights in Schizophrenia: ConstitutionalMicroduplications or Microdeletions (CNVs) Spanning NeuralGenes and a miRNA Dysregulation in Distinct Regions of theBrain Linked to the Disease

New Molecular Insights in Schizophrenia: ConstitutionalMicroduplications or Microdeletions (CNVs) Spanning NeuralGenes and a miRNA Dysregulation in Distinct Regions of theBrain Linked to the Disease


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Recent use of microarrays uncovered two novel abnormalities in schizophrenic individuals: constitutional copy number variants(CNVs) and a dysregulation of miRNAs in the brain. Key neural genes were the most consistently implicated in microdeletions,microduplications and disruptions caused by CNVs that resulted in gene-dosage defects. The most common abnormalities were recurrent“de novo” microdeletions at 1q21.1, 15q11.2 and 15q13.3 which were considered risk factors in a minority of patients. The microdeletionsof 22q11.2 were confirmed as a risk factor for schizophrenia (SZ). In addition other more rare “de novo” CNVs mostly found in singlecases seem to predispose to the disease. The miRNA dysregulation in regions of the brain thought to be related to SZ (dorsal prefrontalcortex and superior temporal gyrus) may trigger downstream a faulty gene expression. CNVs and dysregulated miRNAs probably impairbrain development, the differentiation and function of neurons, and the synaptic neurotransmission through deficiencies on specificgenes and pathways. The overall findings herald an enhanced understanding of SZ and reveal a complex network of genes and regulatorymechanisms related to the pathophysiology and heterogeneous genetic etiology. The defective genes and miRNAs that were identifiedmight become therapeutic targets of clinical relevance and useful parameters to monitor and classify patients more accurately.
机译:微阵列的最新用途发现了精神分裂症患者的两个新异常:体质拷贝数变异(CNV)和大脑中的miRNA失调。关键神经基因最常涉及由CNV导致基因剂量缺陷的微缺失,微复制和破坏。最常见的异常是在1q21.1、15q11.2和15q13.3处反复发生的“从头”微缺失,这被认为是少数患者的危险因素。证实22q11.2的微量缺失是精神分裂症(SZ)的危险因素。另外,大多数在单例病例中发现的其他更罕见的“新生” CNV似乎易患该病。被认为与SZ相关的大脑区域(背前额叶皮层和颞上回)的miRNA失调可能触发下游错误的基因表达。 CNV和功能失调的miRNA可能会通过特定基因和途径的缺陷而损害大脑的发育,神经元的分化和功能以及突触神经传递。总体发现预示着人们对SZ的理解得到了增强,并揭示了与病理生理学和异质遗传病因相关的复杂基因网络和调控机制。鉴定出的缺陷基因和miRNA可能成为具有临床意义的治疗目标,并且成为有用的参数,可以更准确地监测和分类患者。



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