首页> 外文期刊>The Journal of school health >Predictors of suicidal ideation among high school students by gender in South Korea.

Predictors of suicidal ideation among high school students by gender in South Korea.


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The purpose of this study was to examine the evidence to determine if there are gender differences in suicidal ideation of adolescents. This study examined the main effect of risk factors from 5 domains and protective factors from 1 domain in relation to suicidal ideation by gender and identified the most important predictors of suicidal ideation for males (N = 654) and females (N = 658). This study was a cross-sectional survey, and data were collected through self-report questionnaires. In the univariate analysis, especially, risk factors from behavioral variables and psychosocial-environmental variables appeared to be gender skewed. For males, all behavioral variables were predictive of suicidal ideation. For the females, unlike the males, Wang-tta or victim of bullying behavior and sexual orientation as behavioral variables were predictive of suicidal ideation. For males, parental divorce and parental alcohol abuse as psychosocial-environmental variables were predictive of suicidal ideation. For the females, again unlike for the males, all the psychosocial-environmental variables were not predictive of suicidal ideation. The most important predictors of suicidal ideation for males as a result of the multivariate analysis were history of suicidal attempt, depression, hostility, smoking, parental alcohol abuse, communication with friends, and self-esteem. The most important predictors of suicidal ideation for females as a result of the multivariate analysis were depression, hostility, sexual orientation, and self-esteem. These results would indicate that an effective suicide screening and prevention program for adolescents should consider gender differences.
机译:这项研究的目的是检查证据以确定青少年的自杀观念中是否存在性别差异。这项研究检查了按性别划分的与自杀意念相关的5个领域的危险因素和来自1个领域的保护因素的主要影响,并确定了男性(N = 654)和女性(N = 658)自杀意念的最重要预测因子。这项研究是一项横断面调查,数据通过自我报告调查表收集。特别是在单变量分析中,来自行为变量和社会心理-环境变量的危险因素似乎偏向性别。对于男性,所有的行为变量都可以预测自杀意念。对于女性而言,与男性不同,Wang-tta或欺凌行为和性取向的受害者是行为变量,可以预示自杀意念。对于男性,父母离婚和父母酗酒是社会心理-环境变量,预示着自杀意念。对于女性而言,再次不同于男性,所有的心理社会环境变量都不能预测自杀意念。多元分析结果对男性自杀意念最重要的预测指标是自杀企图,抑郁,敌意,吸烟,父母酗酒,与朋友交流和自尊的历史。多元分析的结果,对女性自杀意念最重要的预测指标是抑郁,敌意,性取向和自尊。这些结果表明,针对青少年的有效自杀筛查和预防计划应考虑性别差异。



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