首页> 外文期刊>The Journal of school health >A meta-evaluation of 11 school-based smoking prevention programs.

A meta-evaluation of 11 school-based smoking prevention programs.


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Eleven school-based smoking prevention programs were subjected to a meta-evaluation. Criteria for the meta-evaluation included: 1) adequacy of the research design, 2) evidence of reliability, 3) evidence of validity, 4) appropriate statistical analyses and interpretations, 5) reporting of effect sizes or practical significance, 6) accounting for attrition, and 7) tracking of fidelity to the program. A three-point rating scale was used ranging from 0-2. Criteria with the best ratings were research design and statistical analysis. The lowest ratings occurred for reliability and validity. The remainder of the criteria ranged between 1 and 2 with minor factors accounting for the difference in ratings. Recommendations include increasing the number of evaluations that included tests of reliability and validity and calculated effect size estimates.
机译:对11项基于学校的吸烟预防计划进行了荟萃评估。荟萃评估的标准包括:1)研究设计的充分性; 2)可靠性的证据; 3)有效性的证据; 4)适当的统计分析和解释; 5)报告效应大小或实际意义; 6)解释7)跟踪程序的保真度。使用三点评分量表,范围为0-2。评分最高的标准是研究设计和统计分析。最低的评级发生在可靠性和有效性上。其余标准的范围是1到2,次要因素说明了评分的差异。建议包括增加评估的数量,其中包括可靠性和有效性测试以及计算出的效应量估计值。



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