首页> 外文期刊>The Journal of Urology >Biomechanical and biochemical assessment of properties of the anterior urethra after hypospadias repair in a rabbit model.

Biomechanical and biochemical assessment of properties of the anterior urethra after hypospadias repair in a rabbit model.


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PURPOSE: We created a rabbit model to test hypospadias operations and investigate the biomechanical properties of the urethra at long-term followup using biomechanical and biochemical assessments. MATERIALS AND METHODS: A total of 38 New Zealand White rabbits were randomized into 4 groups, including controls, sham operation and 2 operation groups (experimental creation of a hypospadias-like defect and acute repair, respectively). In operation group 1 the ventral urethral wall and dorsal plate were longitudinally incised, half of the ventral urethral wall was excised (hypospadias-like defect) and the incised urethra was tubularized (tubularized incised posterior plate urethroplasty group). In operation group 2 the urethra was mobilized from the corpora cavernosa, excised in its distal end (hypospadias-like defect) and advanced to the glanular tip (mobilization and advancement group). At 23 weeks postoperatively biochemical and biomechanical assessments were performed. RESULTS: Maximum urethral strength and stiffness, strain at maximum load and the collagen weight fraction were not significantly different among the groups. Urethral diameter was larger and the total amount of collagen was higher in the mobilization and advancement group only (p <0.05). The mechanical quality of urethral collagen was decreased in the 2 operation groups (p <0.05). CONCLUSIONS: This animal model proved to be useful for testing hypospadias operations and urethral mechanical properties. At long-term followup after experimental hypospadias repair biochemical and biomechanical assessments showed no differences among the groups in mechanical strength, strain and stiffness, and no indication of fibrosis. Consequently testing new hypospadias repair techniques and evaluating their biomechanical long-term results could be performed using hypospadiac animal models before clinical use.
机译:目的:我们创建了一个兔子模型来测试尿道下裂的操作,并通过生物力学和生化评估对尿道的生物力学特性进行长期随访。材料与方法:将38只新西兰白兔随机分为4组,包括对照组,假手术组和2个手术组(分别实验性创建尿道下裂样缺损和急性修复)。在手术组1中,纵向切开腹侧尿道壁和背板,切掉一半的腹侧尿道壁(类pos肌缺损),将切开的尿道进行管状化(切开后路尿道小管切开成形术)。在第2手术组中,从海绵体动员尿道,将其远端切除(hypopadias样缺损),然后行进至肾盂尖端(动员和推进组)。术后23周进行生化和生物力学评估。结果:各组的最大尿道强度和刚度,最大负荷下的应变以及胶原蛋白重量分数均无显着差异。仅在动员和进阶组中,尿道直径更大,胶原蛋白总量更高(p <0.05)。在两个手术组中,尿道胶原蛋白的机械质量均下降(p <0.05)。结论:该动物模型被证明可用于测试尿道下裂手术和尿道机械性能。实验性尿道下裂修复后的长期随访中,生化和生物力学评估显示,各组之间的机械强度,应变和刚度没有差异,也没有纤维化的迹象。因此,可以在临床使用前使用尿道下裂动物模型来测试新的尿道下裂修复技术并评估其生物力学的长期结果。



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