首页> 外文期刊>The Journal of Prosthetic Dentistry >Clinical assessment of high-strength all-ceramic crowns.

Clinical assessment of high-strength all-ceramic crowns.


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STATEMENT OF PROBLEM: All-ceramic crowns are being used extensively. Little data are available on their clinical performance. PURPOSE: This study evaluated the clinical performance of In-Ceram (Vita Zahnfabrik) crowns. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Forty-one patients (16 men, 25 women; mean age 47.3 years, range 18 to 77 years) were examined with a total of 80 In-Ceram all-ceramic crowns fabricated at the University of Iowa College of Dentistry from 1994 to 1997. The percentage distribution for crowns included: 67% anterior single crowns, 26% posterior single crowns, 6% anterior implant crowns, and 1% posterior implant crowns. This study documented the integrity of the junction between crown and tooth, color match to adjacent teeth, secondary dental caries, wear of crown and opposing dentition, and visible cracks in the crown. Alpha, Bravo, and Charlie ratings were assigned with a modified USPHS criteria. The patients were also surveyed with respect to oral hygiene and satisfaction of treatment. Estimations of 4-year success rates and corresponding confidence intervals were calculated by fitting a constant hazard function model with the SAS procedure GENMOD. RESULTS: Marginal integrity for 88% of artificial crowns was rated Alpha or Bravo. Shade match for 99% was Bravo or better. Only 1% of the crowns were carious, and 1 crown exhibited occlusal wear. One premolar crown had a small fracture of veneering porcelain. One molar crown was remade after core fracture. All patients (100%) expressed satisfaction with their crowns. The estimated 4-year success rates (Alpha or Bravo), with 95% confidence intervals in parentheses were calculated as: 83.5% (65.7%-94.6%) for marginal integrity, 95.8% (82.9%-99.8%) for shade match, and 95.5% (81.6%-99.7%) for secondary caries, 100% (88%-100%) for wear, and 100% (88%-100%) for cracks.
机译:问题陈述:全瓷冠被广泛使用。关于其临床表现的数据很少。目的:本研究评估了In-Ceram(Vita Zahnfabrik)牙冠的临床性能。材料与方法:检查了41例患者(男16例,女25例;平均年龄47.3岁,范围18到77岁),共检查了80枚爱荷华大学牙科学院制造的In-Ceram全瓷冠,从1994年至1997年。冠的百分比分布包括:67%的前单冠,26%的后单冠,6%的前种植体冠和1%的后种植体冠。这项研究记录了牙冠与牙齿之间连接处的完整性,与相邻牙齿的颜色匹配,继发性龋齿,牙冠和相对牙列的磨损以及牙冠中可见的裂纹。为Alpha,Bravo和Charlie评分指定了经过修改的USPHS标准。还对患者的口腔卫生和治疗满意度进行了调查。通过使用SAS程序GENMOD拟合恒定危害函数模型来计算4年成功率和相应的置信区间的估计值。结果:88%的人造牙冠的边缘完整性评级为Alpha或Bravo。 99%的阴影匹配是Bravo或更好。仅1%的冠是龋齿,并且1个冠表现出咬合磨损。一个前磨牙冠上有一小块饰面瓷断裂。岩心破裂后,重新制作了一颗磨牙冠。所有患者(100%)对他们的牙冠表示满意。估计的4年成功率(Alpha或Bravo),括号内为95%置信区间,计算公式为:边缘完整性的83.5%(65.7%-94.6%),阴影匹配的95.8%(82.9%-99.8%),次生龋齿占95.5%(81.6%-99.7%),磨损占100%(88%-100%),裂纹占100%(88%-100%)。



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