首页> 外文期刊>The Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics: Official Publication of the American Society for Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics >Choice between Heroin and Food in Nondependent and Heroin-Dependent Rhesus Monkeys: Effects of Naloxone,Buprenorphine,and Methadone

Choice between Heroin and Food in Nondependent and Heroin-Dependent Rhesus Monkeys: Effects of Naloxone,Buprenorphine,and Methadone


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Several medications are approved for treatment of opiate abuse,but determinants of their clinical effectiveness are not completely understood.States of opiate dependence or withdrawal may constitute one important set of determinants.To test this hypothesis,the effects of naloxone,buprenorphine,and methadone were assessed on choice between heroin and food in nondependent rhesus monkeys and in heroin-dependent monkeys undergoing withdrawal.A choice procedure was used to permit dissociation of medication effects on the relative reinforcing properties of heroin from nonselective effects on response rates.In nondependent monkeys,increasing unit doses of heroin (0-0.1 mg/kg/injection) maintained dose-dependent increases in heroin choice.Chronic 5-day treatment with naloxone (0.01-0.32 mg/kg/h) or buprenorphine (0.01-0.1 mg/kg/day) produced dose-dependent rightward shifts in heroin choice dose-effect curves,whereas chronic methadone (0.1-0.56 mg/kg/h) had little effect on heroin choice up to doses that suppressed responding.In heroin-dependent monkeys,opiate withdrawal produced overt abstinence signs as well as increases in heroin choice,manifested as leftward shifts in heroin choice dose-effect curves.The withdrawal-associated increases in heroin choice suggest that opiate withdrawal increased the relative reinforcing efficacy of heroin in comparison with food,an effect that may be related to relapse in humans.Methadone prevented withdrawal-associated increases in heroin choice,whereas buprenorphine was less effective.These findings suggest that agonist medications such as methadone may derive their clinical utility from their ability to attenuate withdrawal-associated increases in opiate reinforcement.Moreover,this procedure may be useful for exploring mechanisms underlying withdrawal-associated increases in opiate reinforcement and for testing candidate medications.
机译:批准了数种用于治疗阿片类药物滥用的药物,但尚未完全了解其临床效果的决定因素。阿片类药物依赖或戒断的状态可能构成一组重要的决定因素。为检验这一假设,纳洛酮,丁丙诺啡和美沙酮的作用评估非依赖性恒河猴和戒断的海洛因依赖性猴子在海洛因和食物之间的选择。采用选择程序可将药物对海洛因相对增强特性的影响与对反应率的非选择性影响分开。在非依赖性猴子中,海洛因的单位剂量(0-0.1 mg / kg /注射)维持剂量依赖性海洛因选择增加。纳洛酮(0.01-0.32 mg / kg / h)或丁丙诺啡(0.01-0.1 mg / kg /天)在海洛因选择的剂量效应曲线中产生剂量依赖性的右移,而慢性美沙酮(0.1-0.56 mg / kg / h)对海洛因的选择几乎没有影响在依赖海洛因的猴子中,鸦片戒断产生明显的禁欲迹象,海洛因选择增加,表现为海洛因选择剂量效应曲线向左移动。与戒断相关的海洛因选择增加表明鸦片戒断增加海洛因相对于食物的相对增强功效,可能与人类复发有关。美沙酮预防了与戒断有关的海洛因选择增加,而丁丙诺啡的疗效较差。这些发现表明,激动剂药物(如美沙酮)可以具有减轻阿片类药物戒断相关增加的能力的临床实用性。此外,该程序对于探索阿片类药物戒断相关增加的潜在机制和测试候选药物可能有用。



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