
Inhibition of Nicotine Metabolism by Methoxysalen:Pharmacokinetic and Pharmacological Studies in Mice


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Studies were undertaken to examine whether methoxsalen (9-methoxyfuro[3,2-g][1]benzopyran-7-one),a specific and relatively selective inhibitor of human CYP2A6,inhibited CYP2A5-mediated nicotine metabolism in vitro.Furthermore,studies were performed in vivo to determine whether methoxsalen would modulate acute nicotine pharmacokinetics and pharmacological effects (antinociception and hypothermia) in the ICR mouse.Our results demonstrated that methoxsalen competitively inhibits in vitro nicotine metabolism in mice.The inhibition was potent,as seen in human inhibition studies,with a K_i of 0.32 mu M.In addition,we found that administration of methoxsalen significantly increased the plasma half-life of nicotine (approximately doubled) and increased its area under the curve compared with saline treatment.There was a dose-dependent enhancement in the pharmacological effects of nicotine (body temperature and analgesia) after methoxsalen treatment.Methoxsalen prolonged the duration of nicotine-induced antinociception and hypothermia (2.5 mg/kg) for periods up to 180 min postnicotine administration.Furthermore,this prolongation in nicotine's effects after methoxsalen was associated with a parallel prolongation of nicotine plasma levels in mice.These data strongly suggest that variation in the rates of nicotine metabolic inactivation substantially alter nicotine's pharmacological effects.In conclusion,these results confirmed that methoxsalen did indeed inhibit the conversion of nicotine to coti-nine both in vitro and in vivo.They also suggest that mice may represent a suitable model for studying variation in nicotine metabolism and its impact on mechanisms of nicotine dependence,including the use of inhibitors to reduce nicotine metabolism.
机译:进行了研究以检查甲氧沙林(9-甲氧基呋喃[3,2-g] [1]苯并吡喃-7-一)是否是一种特异性和相对选择性的人CYP2A6抑制剂,在体外抑制CYP2A5介导的尼古丁代谢。通过体内实验确定甲氧沙林是否会调节ICR小鼠的急性尼古丁药代动力学和药理作用(抗伤害感受和体温过低)。我们的研究结果表明,甲氧沙林能竞争性地抑制小鼠的体外尼古丁代谢。研究显示,K_i为0.32μM。此外,与生理盐水处理相比,甲氧沙林的给药显着增加了尼古丁的血浆半衰期(大约增加了一倍)并增加了其曲线下面积。甲氧沙林治疗后增强尼古丁的药理作用(体温和镇痛)。甲氧沙林延长了尼古丁的持续时间诱导的抗伤害感受和体温过低(2.5 mg / kg),持续至尼古丁给药后180分钟。此外,这种甲氧沙林对尼古丁的作用延长与小鼠尼古丁血浆水平的平行延长有关。这些数据强烈表明总之,这些结果证实了甲氧沙林确实在体内外都抑制了尼古丁向可替宁的转化。它们还表明,小鼠可能代表了研究变异的合适模型。尼古丁代谢中的作用及其对尼古丁依赖机制的影响,包括使用抑制剂减少尼古丁代谢。



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