首页> 外文期刊>The annals of pharmacotherapy >Physician over-the-counter drug prescribing patterns: an analysis of the National Ambulatory Medical Care Survey.

Physician over-the-counter drug prescribing patterns: an analysis of the National Ambulatory Medical Care Survey.


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OBJECTIVE: To describe the prevalence of physician over-the-counter (OTC) drug prescribing in relation to selected physician, patient, and drug characteristics. DATA SOURCE AND METHODS: Data from the 1990 National Ambulatory Medical Care Survey, a multistage probability clustered sample, were analyzed. Physician drug utilization was expressed in drug mentions defined as "the physician's entry of a pharmaceutical agent ordered or provided, by any route of administration, for prevention, diagnosis, or treatment." Sampling weights were used to obtain unbiased national estimates. Cross tabulations of the drug prescription status (OTC or prescription [Rx]) with independent variables were performed, overall and by therapeutic class. The overall OTC/Rx ratio (0.11) was used as the cutoff point for distinguishing high- from low-level OTC drug prescribing. RESULTS: In 1990, 9.7% of physician drug mentions were of OTC drugs. Women between 16 and 34 years, Asian/Pacific Islanders, white Hispanics, and African-Americans experienced high OTC drug mentions (OTC/Rx > or = 0.11). After stratification by drug therapeutic class, physicians in general practice, family practice, internal medicine, obstetrics/gynecology, and pediatrics highly mentioned OTC drugs. CONCLUSIONS: OTC drug prescribing by physicians is substantial, and primary care specialties, patient gender, age, and race should be considered by those interested in evaluating OTC drug utilization in the ambulatory care setting.
机译:目的:描述与选定医师,患者和药物特征相关的医师处方药(OTC)的使用率。数据来源和方法:分析了来自1990年国家门诊医疗调查的数据,这是一个多阶段概率聚类样本。医师对药物的利用表示为药物提及,定义为“医师通过任何给药途径订购或提供的用于预防,诊断或治疗的药剂的输入”。抽样权重用于获得无偏见的国家估计。对药物处方状态(OTC或处方[Rx])与独立变量进行交叉制表,整体和按治疗类别进行。总体OTC / Rx比(0.11)被用作区分高水平和低水平OTC药物处方的临界点。结果:在1990年,提及医师药物的9.7%为非处方药。 16至34岁之间的女性,亚洲/太平洋岛民,白人西班牙裔美国人和非洲裔美国人经历了很高的OTC提及率(OTC / Rx>或= 0.11)。在按药物治疗类别分层后,普通科,家庭科,内科,妇产科和儿科的医师高度重视OTC药物。结论:医生对非处方药开具大量处方,有兴趣评估非卧床护理环境中非处方药使用的人员应考虑初级保健专业,患者性别,年龄和种族。



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