首页> 外文期刊>The Annals of occupational hygiene. >Asbestos exposure during uncontrolled removal of sprayed-on asbestos

Asbestos exposure during uncontrolled removal of sprayed-on asbestos


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Asbestos-containing materials in place in buildings, especially sprayed-on asbestos, are still an important health threat. Clearance of these materials has to be operated by specifically trained workers wearing specific individual protection suits after containment of the contaminated area. Good work practices are, however, not always applied. We report the case of two workers hired for ~1 week to remove sprayed-on amosite asbestos during the remodeling of a former industrial hall. Regulatory protective equipments were not used. A legal action was initiated after disclosure of the working conditions. Medical examinations were performed 18 and 22 months after exposure. Workers denied any other asbestos exposure. Lung function tests and chest computed tomography scans were normal. Very high levels of asbestos fibers and bodies were discovered on mineralogical analysis of bronchoalveolar lavage fluid (BALF) by phase contrast light microscopy and analytical electron microscopy. All fibers were amosite. An extrapolation considering duration of exposure, breathing pattern, and BALF fiber content suggests that the workers were exposed to airborne fiber concentrations in the range from several tens to about a hundred World Health Organization fibers per milliliter air. In conclusion, exposures to historical airborne fiber levels prevailing half a century ago may still occur today when the work regulations are not applied. In these conditions, even very short exposures may result in considerable lung fiber retention in case of amphibole exposure with the subsequent risk for developing asbestos-related diseases. Fiber analysis in BALF is useful to clarify such exposures.
机译:建筑物中使用的含石棉材料,尤其是喷涂的石棉,仍然是重要的健康威胁。这些材料的清除工作必须由受过专门培训的工人在围堵受污染区域后穿着特殊的个人防护服进行。但是,并非总是采用良好的工作习惯。我们报告了两名工人被雇用约​​1周的情况,该工人在前工业厂房的改建过程中清除了喷涂的异质石棉。未使用监管防护设备。披露工作条件后,提起了法律诉讼。暴露后18个月和22个月进行医学检查。工人否认有其他石棉接触。肺功能检查和胸部CT检查均正常。通过相差光学显微镜和分析电子显微镜对支气管肺泡灌洗液(BALF)进行矿物学分析,发现了很高水平的石棉纤维和尸体。所有纤维均为铁石棉。根据接触时间,呼吸模式和BALF纤维含量的推算,表明工人所接触的空气传播纤维浓度范围为每毫升空气中数十至约一百种世界卫生组织纤维。总之,如果不遵守工作规定,今天仍可能发生半个世纪前流行的空气中纤维历史水平。在这些情况下,如果暴露于闪石中,即使暴露时间很短也可能导致肺纤维显着滞留,并有发展为石棉相关疾病的风险。 BALF中的纤维分析有助于阐明此类暴露。



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