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Accuracy of abstracts for original research articles in pharmacy journals.


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BACKGROUND: Accuracy of abstracts representing original research articles is imperative since these are readily available and biomedical literature readers may not have access to the full-text article. Furthermore, previous reports document discrepancies in published original research abstracts compared with the full-text article. OBJECTIVE: To determine the accuracy of abstracts for original research articles published in nationally represented, widely circulated pharmacy-specific journals (American Journal of Health-System Pharmacy, The Annals of Pharmacotherapy, The Consultant Pharmacist, Hospital Pharmacy, Journal of the American Pharmacists Association, Pharmacotherapy: The Journal of Human Pharmacology and Drug Therapy) from June 2001 through May 2002. METHODS: Outcome measures included an omission, defined as data in the abstract not located in the article. In addition, abstracts were considered deficient if these included an omission, inaccurate factual (i.e., qualitative and quantitative) information presented in the abstract that differed from information contained within the text, an inconsistency in following the "Instructions for Authors" for the respective journal, or a discrepancy between the placement of text in the manuscript and a structured abstract. RESULTS: A total of 243 abstracts for original research articles were published in selected journal issues. Evaluation of these abstracts identified 60 (24.7%) abstracts containing omissions; 81 (33.3%) abstracts contained either an omission or inaccuracy. A total of 147 (60.5%) abstracts were classified as deficient. CONCLUSIONS: Results of this analysis demonstrate that improvements are needed within abstracts for original research articles published in pharmacy-specific journals. Authors and peer reviewers should analyze the abstract contents closely to ensure that the abstract accurately represents the full-text article.
机译:背景:代表原始研究文章的摘要的准确性势在必行,因为这些文献容易获得,而且生物医学文献的读者可能无法访问全文。此外,与全文相比,以前的报告记录了已发表的原始研究摘要中的差异。目的:确定在全国范围内广泛发行的特定于药学的期刊上发表的原始研究论文摘要的准确性(《美国卫生系统药学杂志》,《药物治疗学年鉴》,《药学顾问》,《医院药房》,《美国药剂师协会杂志》 ,药物治疗:2001年6月至2002年5月间的《人类药理学和药物疗法杂志》。方法:结果指标包括遗漏,定义为本文中未找到的摘要中的数据。此外,如果摘要包含与摘要中所包含的信息不同的摘要中所包含的遗漏,不准确的事实(即定性和定量)信息,则认为摘要不足,并且在遵循相应期刊的“作者须知”方面存在不一致之处,或者稿件中文字的位置与结构化摘要之间的差异。结果:在选定的期刊上共发表了243篇原始研究论文摘要。对这些摘要的评估确定了60个(24.7%)包含遗漏的摘要; 81(33.3%)摘要包含遗漏或不准确之处。总共147(60.5%)个摘要被分类为缺陷。结论:该分析结果表明,需要针对特定​​于药学的期刊发表的原始研究论文的摘要进行改进。作者和同行审稿人应仔细分析摘要内容,以确保摘要准确地代表全文。



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