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Contribution of steric repulsion to retention on an octaclecylsiloxane-bonded silica stationary phase in reversed-phase liquid chromatography


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Plots of the retention factor against mobile phase composition were used to organize a varied group of solutes into three categories according to their retention mechanism on an octaclecylsilioxane-bonded silica stationary phase, Ascentis(TM) C18, with acetonitrile-water and methanol-water mobile phase compositions containing 10-70% (v/v) organic solvent. The solutes in category 1 could be fit to a general retention model, Eq. (1), and exhibited normal retention behavior for the full composition range. The solutes in category 2 exhibited normal retention behavior at high organic solvent compositions with a discontinuity at low organic solvent mobile phase compositions. The solutes in category 3 exhibited a pronounced step or plateau in the middle region of the retention plots with a retention mechanism similar to category 1 at mobile phase compositions after the discontinuity and a different retention mechanism before the discontinuity. Selecting solutes and appropriate composition ranges from the three categories where a single retention mechanism was operative allowed modeling of the experimental retention factors using the salvation parameter model. These models were then used to predict retention factors for solutes excluded from the models. The overwhelming number of residual values, here defined as the difference between experimental and model predicted retention factors for the excluded solutes, could be explained by contributions from steric repulsion. The latter defined as the inability of solutes to fully insert themselves into the solvated stationary phase because of their size or conformation. Steric repulsion resulted in a systematic reduction in retention compared with predicted values for the fully inserted solute. The bonding density of the stationary phase; the type and composition of the mobile phase; and the size, conformation, type and number of functional groups on the solute are shown to affect the contribution of steric repulsion to the retention mechanism.
机译:根据保留因子相对于流动相组成的图,根据其在八环乙二氧六环键合的硅胶固定相Ascentis™C18上的保留机理,用乙腈-水和甲醇-水作为洗脱剂,将各种溶质组织为三类。相组合物包含10-70%(v / v)的有机溶剂。类别1中的溶质可以适合一般保留模型Eq。 (1),并且在整个组成范围内均表现出正常的保留行为。第2类中的溶质在高有机溶剂组成下表现出正常的保留行为,而在低有机溶剂流动相组成下表现出不连续性。第3类的溶质在保留图的中间区域表现出明显的阶跃或平稳状态,其不连续后的流动相组成具有类似于第1类的保留机理,而在不连续之前具有不同的保留机理。从三个类别中选择溶质和合适的组成,在三个类别中,一个单一的保留机制是可操作的,从而允许使用挽救参数模型对实验保留因子进行建模。然后将这些模型用于预测从模型中排除的溶质的保留因子。残余值的压倒性数量(这里定义为排除的溶质的实验保留率和模型预测保留率之间的差)可以用空间排斥的贡献来解释。后者定义为溶质由于其大小或构象而无法完全将自身插入到溶剂化固定相中。与完全插入的溶质的预测值相比,排斥力导致保留力的系统降低。固定相的结合密度;流动相的类型和组成;并显示了溶质上官能团的大小,构象,类型和数量会影响空间排斥对保留机理的影响。



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