首页> 外文期刊>The Journal of Nuclear Medicine >Performance assessment of a preclinical PET scanner with pinhole collimation by comparison to a coincidence-based small-animal PET scanner

Performance assessment of a preclinical PET scanner with pinhole collimation by comparison to a coincidence-based small-animal PET scanner


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PET imaging of rodents is increasingly used in preclinical research, but its utility is limited by spatial resolution and signal-to-noise ratio of the images. A recently developed preclinical PET system uses a clustered-pinhole collimator, enabling high-resolution, simultaneous imaging of PET and SPECT tracers. Pinhole collimation strongly departs from traditional electronic collimation achieved via coincidence detection in PET. We investigated the potential of such a design by direct comparison to a traditional PET scanner. Methods: Two small-animal PET scanners, 1 with electronic colli-mation and 1 with physical collimation using clustered pinholes, were used to acquire data from Jaszczak (hot rod) and uniform phantoms. Mouse brain imaging using 18F-FDG PET was performed on each system and compared with quantitative ex vivo autoradi-ography as a gold standard. Bone imaging using 18F-NaF allowed comparison of imaging in the mouse body. Images were visually and quantitatively compared using measures of contrast and noise. Results: Pinhole PET resolved the smallest rods (diameter, 0.85 mm) in the Jaszczak phantom, whereas the coincidence system resolved 1.1-mm-diameter rods. Contrast-to-noise ratios were better for pin-hole PET when imaging small rods (1.1 mm) for a wide range of activity levels, but this reversed for larger rods. Image uniformity on the coincidence system (3%) was superior to that on the pin-hole system (5%). The high 18F-FDG uptake in the striatum of the mouse brain was fully resolved using the pinhole system, with contrast to nearby regions equaling that from autoradiography; a lower contrast was found using the coincidence PET system. For short-duration images (low-count), the coincidence system was superior. Conclusion: In the cases for which small regions need to be resolved in scans with reasonably high activity or reasonably long scan times, a first-generation clustered-pinhole system can provide image quality in terms of resolution, contrast, and the contrast-to-noise ratio superior to a traditional PET system.
机译:啮齿动物的PET成像越来越多地用于临床前研究,但其效用受到空间分辨率和图像信噪比的限制。最近开发的临床前PET系统使用簇状针孔准直仪,可以对PET和SPECT示踪剂进行高分辨率,同时成像。针孔准直大大不同于通过PET中的重合检测实现的传统电子准直。通过直接与传统的PET扫描仪进行比较,我们研究了这种设计的潜力。方法:使用两台小动物PET扫描仪,其中一台采用电子准直,另一台采用簇状针孔进行物理准直,以从Jaszczak(热棒)和统一体模中获取数据。在每个系统上执行使用18F-FDG PET进行的小鼠大脑成像,并与体外定量放射自显影作为金标准进行比较。使用18F-NaF进行骨成像可以比较小鼠体内的成像。使用对比和噪点的测量方法对图像进行视觉和定量比较。结果:针孔PET解决了Jaszczak体模中最小的棒(直径0.85 mm),而重合系统解决了1.1 mm直径的棒。当对各种活动水平的小型棒(<1.1 mm)进行成像时,针孔PET的对比度/噪声比更好,但是对于较大的棒则相反。符合系统的图像均匀度(<3%)优于针孔系统的图像均匀度(5%)。使用针孔系统完全解决了小鼠大脑纹状体中18F-FDG的高摄取问题,与附近区域形成的对比与放射自显影相似。使用巧合PET系统发现对比度较低。对于短时图像(低计数),符合系统更好。结论:在需要以较高的活动度或较长的扫描时间进行扫描的情况下,需要解决小区域的情况,第一代聚类针孔系统可以提供分辨率,对比度和对比度对比方面的图像质量。噪音比优于传统的PET系统。



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