首页> 外文期刊>The Journal of Neuroscience: The Official Journal of the Society for Neuroscience >Axonal transport of microtubule-associated protein 1B (MAP1B) in the sciatic nerve of adult rat: distinct transport rates of different isoforms.

Axonal transport of microtubule-associated protein 1B (MAP1B) in the sciatic nerve of adult rat: distinct transport rates of different isoforms.


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Cytoskeletal proteins are axonally transported with slow components a and b (SCa and SCb). In peripheral nerves, the transport velocity of SCa, which includes neurofilaments and tubulin, is 1-2 mm/d, whereas SCb, which includes actin, tubulin, and numerous soluble proteins, moves as a heterogeneous wave at 2-4 mm/d. We have shown that two isoforms of microtubule-associated protein 1B (MAP1B), which can be separated on SDS polyacrylamide gels on the basis of differences in their phosphorylation states (band I and band II), were transported at two different rates. All of band I MAP1B moved as a coherent wave at a velocity of 7-9 mm/d, distinct from slow axonal transport components SCa and SCb. Several other proteins were detected within the component that moved at the velocity of 7-9 mm/d, including the leading wave of tubulin and actin. The properties of this component define a distinct fraction of the slow axonal transport that we suggest to term slow component c (SCc). The relatively fast transport of the phosphorylated MAP1B isoform at 7-9 mm/d may account for the high concentration of phosphorylated MAP1B in the distal end of growing axons. In contrast to band I MAP1B, the transport profile of band II was complex and contained components moving with SCa and SCb and a leading edge at SCc. Thus, MAP1B isoforms in different phosphorylation states move with distinct components of slow axonal transport, possibly because of differences in their abilities to associate with other proteins.
机译:细胞骨架蛋白与慢组分a和b(SCa和SCb)一起轴突运输。在周围神经中,包括神经丝和微管蛋白的SCa的运输速度为1-2 mm / d,而包括肌动蛋白,微管蛋白和许多可溶性蛋白的SCb的异质波以2-4 mm / d的速度运动。我们已经显示,微管相关蛋白1B(MAP1B)的两个同工型,可以在其磷酸化状态(带I和带II)的差异的基础上在SDS聚丙烯酰胺凝胶上分离,以两种不同的速率运输。 I带MAP1B全部以相干波的形式以7-9 mm / d的速度移动,这与慢轴突运输成分SCa和SCb不同。在以7-9 mm / d的速度移动的组件中检测到其他几种蛋白质,包括微管蛋白和肌动蛋白的前导波。该组分的性质定义了慢轴突运输的不同部分,我们建议将其称为慢组分c(SCc)。磷酸化的MAP1B同工型以7-9 mm / d的相对较快的运输可能解释了生长中的轴突远端磷酸化的MAP1B的高浓度。与I波段MAP1B相比,II波段的传输曲线复杂,并且包含随SCa和SCb以及SCc前沿移动的分量。因此,处于不同磷酸化状态的MAP1B亚型以缓慢的轴突运输的不同成分移动,这可能是由于它们与其他蛋白质缔合的能力不同所致。



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