首页> 外文期刊>The Journal of Neuroscience: The Official Journal of the Society for Neuroscience >Methamphetamine-induced neurotoxicity alters locomotor activity, stereotypic behavior, and stimulated dopamine release in the rat.

Methamphetamine-induced neurotoxicity alters locomotor activity, stereotypic behavior, and stimulated dopamine release in the rat.


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The neurochemical evidence of methamphetamine (MA)-induced toxicity to dopaminergic nerve terminals is well documented; however, the functional consequences are not clearly defined. The present study was designed to investigate whether MA-induced dopamine depletions affect locomotor activity, stereotypic behavior, and/or extracellular dopamine concentrations in the neostriatum. Male rats were treated with a neurotoxic regimen of MA (10 mg/kg, i.p., every 2 hr for four injections) or vehicle and tested for functional effects 1 week later. Animals that had received the neurotoxic regimen of MA showed a reduction in both caudate nucleus and nucleus accumbens dopamine contents of 56 and 30%, respectively. Furthermore, MA-treated rats exhibited a significant attenuation in spontaneous activity, as well as a significant diminution in MA (low dose)-stimulated locomotor activity as compared to vehicle-treated rats. However, there were no differences in the MA (low dose)-induced increases in extracellular dopamine concentrations in the caudate nucleus or the nucleus accumbens core of either group. Interestingly, the acute administration of higher doses of MA elicited a significantly augmented stereotypic response and a significantly attenuated increase in the extracellular concentration of dopamine in the caudate nucleus of rats treated with a neurotoxic regimen of MA as compared to vehicle-treated animals. These data indicate that MA-induced neurotoxicity results in abnormal dopamine-mediated behaviors, as well as a brain region-specific impairment in stimulated dopamine release.
机译:甲基苯丙胺(MA)诱导的对多巴胺能神经末梢毒性的神经化学证据已得到充分证明;但是,功能后果尚不明确。本研究旨在调查MA诱导的多巴胺耗竭是否会影响新纹状体的自发活动,刻板行为和/或细胞外多巴胺浓度。用MA(10mg / kg,i.p。,每2小时一次,四次注射)或赋形剂治疗雄性大鼠,并在1周后测试其功能性作用。接受过MA神经毒性治疗的动物的尾状核和伏隔核多巴胺含量分别降低了56%和30%。此外,与用载体治疗的大鼠相比,用MA治疗的大鼠表现出自发活性的显着减弱,以及MA(低剂量)刺激的运动活性的显着降低。但是,两组中尾状核或伏伏核的MA(低剂量)诱导的细胞外多巴胺浓度增加均无差异。有趣的是,与接受媒介物治疗的动物相比,接受MA的神经毒性治疗的大鼠的尾状核中,高剂量MA的急性给药引起明显的刻板反应和多巴胺细胞外浓度的明显减弱。这些数据表明,MA诱导的神经毒性会导致异常的多巴胺介导的行为,以及刺激的多巴胺释放中的大脑区域特异性损伤。



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