首页> 外文期刊>The Journal of Neuroscience: The Official Journal of the Society for Neuroscience >Basic fibroblast growth factor increases long-term survival of spinal motor neurons and improves respiratory function after experimental spinal cord injury.

Basic fibroblast growth factor increases long-term survival of spinal motor neurons and improves respiratory function after experimental spinal cord injury.


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Acute focal injection of basic fibroblast growth factor (FGF2) protects ventral horn (VH) neurons from death after experimental contusive spinal cord injury (SCI) at T8. Because these neurons innervate respiratory muscles, we hypothesized that respiratory deficits resulting from SCI would be attenuated by FGF2 treatment. To test this hypothesis we used a head-out plethysmograph system to evaluate respiratory parameters in conscious rats before and at 24 hr and 7, 28, and 35 d after SCI. Two groups of rats (n = 8 per group) received either FGF2 (3 &mgr;g) beginning 5 min after injury or vehicle (VEH) solution alone. We found significantly increased respiratory rate and decreased tidal volume at 24 hr and 7 d after SCI in the VEH-treated group. Ventilatory response to breathing 5 or 7% CO(2) was also significantly reduced. Recovery took place over time. Respiration remained normal in the FGF2-treated group. At 35 d after injury, histological analyses were used to compare long-term neuron survival. FGF2 treatment doubled the survival of VH neurons adjacent to the injury site. Because the number of surviving VH neurons rostral to the injury epicenter was significantly correlated to the ventilatory response to CO(2), it is likely that the absence of respiratory deficits in FGF2-treated rats was caused by its neuroprotective effect. Our results demonstrate that FGF2 treatment prevents the respiratory deficits produced by thoracic SCI. Because FGF2 also reduced the loss of preganglionic sympathetic motoneurons after injury, this neurotrophic factor may have broad therapeutic potential for SCI.
机译:急性局灶性注射碱性成纤维细胞生长因子(FGF2)可保护腹角(VH)神经元免受T8实验性挫伤性脊髓损伤(SCI)后的死亡。因为这些神经元支配呼吸肌,所以我们假设通过FGF2治疗可以减轻SCI引起的呼吸衰竭。为了验证该假设,我们使用了头部容积描记器系统评估了SCI之前和之后24小时,7、28和35 d时清醒大鼠的呼吸参数。两组大鼠(每组n = 8)在受伤后5分钟开始接受FGF2(3 mg)或单独使用溶媒(VEH)溶液。我们发现VEH治疗组在SCI后24小时和7 d呼吸频率显着增加,潮气量减少。通气对呼吸5或7%CO(2)的反应也显着降低。恢复随着时间的推移而发生。 FGF2治疗组的呼吸保持正常。受伤后第35天,使用组织学分析比较神经元的长期存活。 FGF2处理使损伤部位附近的VH神经元的存活率提高了一倍。因为到损伤震中点正侧的存活VH神经元的数目与对CO(2)的通气反应显着相关,所以很可能是FGF2处理的大鼠缺乏呼吸功能障碍是由其神经保护作用引起的。我们的结果表明,FGF2治疗可预防胸腔脊髓损伤所引起的呼吸功能障碍。因为FGF2还减少了损伤后神经节前交感神经元的丢失,所以这种神经营养因子可能对脊髓损伤具有广泛的治疗潜力。



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