首页> 外文期刊>The Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease >Solving interpersonal problems correlates with symptom improvement in interpersonal psychotherapy: preliminary findings.

Solving interpersonal problems correlates with symptom improvement in interpersonal psychotherapy: preliminary findings.


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Interpersonal psychotherapy (IPT) research has addressed outcome more than mechanism. This study used the novel Interpersonal Psychotherapy Outcome Scale (IPOS) to test the theoretical axiom that symptomatic improvement in IPT reflects resolution of interpersonal problem areas. The IPOS rates change in focal interpersonal problem areas on a 5-point scale. Patients (N = 24) and therapists (N = 7) in a time-limited IPT outcome study of dysthymic disorder, and patients (N = 11) in an open trial for posttraumatic stress disorder, completed the IPOS at treatment termination. All responding dysthymic subjects (N = 24) and therapists (N = 21) reported interpersonal gains: dysthymic patients scored 4.39 (SD = 0.52) out of 5, therapists 4.27 (0.53). Posttraumatic stress disordered patients rated 4.75 (0.34). Patient and therapist IPOS ratings correlated with objectively measured symptomatic improvement with full or trend statistical significance. Despite methodological limitations, initial testing of the IPOS supports the theorized link between resolving interpersonal crises and improvement in IPT.
机译:人际心理治疗(IPT)研究的结果多于机制。这项研究使用新颖的人际心理治疗结果量表(IPOS)来检验IPT症状改善反映人际问题领域解决的理论公理。 IPOS的人际关系问题领域的比率以5分制变化。患者(N = 24)和治疗师(N = 7)进行了关于运动障碍性疾病的限时IPT结果研究,以及患者(N = 11)进行创伤后应激障碍开放试验,在治疗终止时完成了IPOS。所有反应不良的受试者(N = 24)和治疗师(N = 21)都报告了人际关系的改善:在5名治疗困难者中,得分为4.39(SD = 0.52)的治疗困难者,治疗师为4.27(0.53)。创伤后应激障碍患者评分为4.75(0.34)。患者和治疗师的IPOS评分与客观测量的症状改善相关,具有全部或趋势上的统计学意义。尽管方法上有局限性,但IPOS的初始测试支持解决人际危机与IPT改善之间的理论联系。



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