首页> 外文期刊>The Journal of investigative dermatology. >Hair cycle-dependent changes in adrenergic skin innervation, and hair growth modulation by adrenergic drugs.

Hair cycle-dependent changes in adrenergic skin innervation, and hair growth modulation by adrenergic drugs.


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Skin nerves may exert "trophic" functions during hair follicle development, growth, and/or cycling. Here, we demonstrate hair cycle-related plasticity in the sympathetic innervation of skin and hair follicle in C57BL/6 mice. Compared with telogen skin, the number of nerve fibers containing norepinephrine or immunoreactive for tyrosine hydroxylase increased during the early growth phase of the hair cycle (anagen) in dermis and subcutis. The number of these fibers declined again during late anagen. beta2-adrenoreceptor-positive keratinocytes were transiently detectable in the noncycling hair follicle epithelium, especially in the isthmus and bulge region, but only during early anagen. In early anagen skin organ culture, the beta2-adrenoreceptor agonist isoproterenol promoted hair cycle progression from anagen III to anagen IV. The observed hair cycle-dependent changes in adrenergic skin innervation on the one hand, and hair growth modulation by isoproterenol, accompanied by changes in beta2-adrenoreceptor expression of selected regions of the hair follicle epithelium on the other, further support the concept that bi-directional interactions between the hair follicle and its innervation play a part in hair growth control. This invites one to systematically explore the neuropharmacologic manipulation of follicular neuroepithelial interactions as a novel therapeutic strategy for managing hair growth disorders.
机译:在毛囊发育,生长和/或循环过程中,皮肤神经可能发挥“营养”功能。在这里,我们证明了在C57BL / 6小鼠的皮肤和毛囊交感神经中与毛发周期相关的可塑性。与毛发生长的皮肤相比,在真皮和皮下组织的毛发周期(生长期)的早期生长阶段,含有去甲肾上腺素或对酪氨酸羟化酶具有免疫反应性的神经纤维数量增加。在生长期后期,这些纤维的数量再次下降。在未循环的毛囊上皮中,尤其是在峡部和隆起区域中,β2-肾上腺素受体阳性的角质形成细胞是瞬时可检测到的,但仅在早期生长期才可检测到。在早期的生长期皮肤器官培养中,β2-肾上腺素受体激动剂异丙肾上腺素促进了毛发生长过程从生长期III到生长期IV。一方面,观察到的依赖于毛发周期的肾上腺素能神经支配变化,以及异丙肾上腺素对毛发生长的调节,另一方面,毛囊上皮选定区域的β2-肾上腺素受体表达也发生了变化,这进一步支持了以下观点:毛囊及其神经支配之间的定向相互作用在毛发生长控制中起作用。这邀请人们系统地探索滤泡神经上皮相互作用的神经药理学处理,作为治疗毛发生长疾病的一种新型治疗策略。



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