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Risk factors for periprosthetic joint infection after total joint arthroplasty: a systematic review and meta-analysis


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Many of the mooted risk factors associated with periprosthetic joint infection (PJI) after total joint arthroplasty (TJA) remain controversial and are not well characterized. Online and manual searches were performed using Medline, Embase, Chinese National Knowledge Infrastructure and the Cochrane Central Database from January 1980 to March 2014). For inclusion, studies had to meet the quality assessment criteria of the CONSORT statement, and be concerned with evaluation of risk factors for PJI after TJA. Two reviewers extracted the relevant data independently and any disagreements were resolved by consensus. Fourteen studies were included in this meta-analysis. The following significant risk factors for PJI were identified: body mass index (both continuous and dichotomous variables); diabetes mellitus; corticosteroid therapy; hypoalbuminaemia; history of rheumatoid arthritis; blood transfusion; presence of a wound drain; wound dehiscence; superficial surgical site infection; coagulopathy; malignancy, immunodepression; National Nosocomial Infections Surveillance Score >= 2; other nosocomial infection; prolonged operative time; and previous surgery. Factors that were not significantly associated with PJI were: cirrhosis; hypothyroidism; urinary tract infection; illicit drug abuse; alcohol abuse; hypercholesterolaemia; hypertension, ischaemic heart disease; peptic ulcer disease; hemiplegia or paraplegia; dementia; and operation performed by a staff surgeon (vs a trainee). Strategies to prevent PJI after TJA should focus, in particular, on those patients at greatest risk of infection according to their individual risk factors. (C) 2014 The Healthcare Infection Society. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
机译:全关节置换术(TJA)后与假体周围感染(PJI)相关的许多危险因素仍然存在争议,并且没有很好的特征。从1980年1月至2014年3月,使用Medline,Embase,中国国家知识基础设施和Cochrane中央数据库进行了在线和手动搜索。为纳入研究,研究必须符合CONSORT声明的质量评估标准,并要关注TJA后PJI的危险因素评估。两名审稿人独立提取了相关数据,任何分歧均通过协商解决。这项荟萃分析包括十四项研究。确定了以下PJI的重要危险因素:体重指数(连续变量和二分变量);糖尿病皮质类固醇疗法;低白蛋白血症类风湿关节炎病史;输血有伤口引流;伤口裂开浅表手术部位感染;凝血病;恶性肿瘤,免疫抑制;全国医院感染监测评分> = 2;其他医院感染;延长手术时间;和以前的手术。与PJI无关的因素有:肝硬化;甲状腺功能减退;尿路感染;非法药物滥用;滥用酒精;高胆固醇血症高血压,缺血性心脏病;消化性溃疡病;偏瘫或截瘫;痴呆;以及由外科医生(与受训者)进行的手术。在TJA后预防PJI的策略应特别关注那些根据其个人危险因素而具有最大感染风险的患者。 (C)2014年医疗感染协会。由Elsevier Ltd.出版。保留所有权利。



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