首页> 外文期刊>The Journal of Horticultural Science & Biotechnology >Effect of night salinity level on water use, physiological responses, yield and quality of tomato

Effect of night salinity level on water use, physiological responses, yield and quality of tomato


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The aim of the research work was to evaluate the effects of two levels of electrical conductivity (EC) of the nutrient solution, i.e. high night and low day EC v continuously low EC, on water consumption, physiological responses, yield, and fruit quality of two tomato cultivars (Diana and Naomi). The use of a nutrient solution with high EC during the night (6 dS m(-1)) did not modify plant growth. The daily water consumption of tomato plants was not modified by the nutrient solution EC, however water consumption during the night was on average 9-19% of the total daily uptake. Both at the second cluster setting stage and beginning of harvests, the high night and low day EC treatment decreased stomatal conductance (13%) and leaf net CO2 assimilation (8%). The values of 'Diana' and 'Naomi' of yield of tomato (4.5 and 3.0 kg plant(-1), respectively, for 'Diana' and 'Naomi') or mass of fruits, fruit dry mass, titratable acidity, and ascorbic acid were not influenced by the nutrient solution EC. However, in the cherry tomato type ('Naomi') the number of fruits within optimal size values (<40 mm), which is of crucial importance for their marketability, was higher with high EC in the night hours. The total soluble solids were higher with low/high (day/ night) EC than continuously low EC (7.0 v 6.6 degreesBrix for 'Naomi' and 4.6 v 4.3 for 'Diana'), so nutrient solutions with high night and low day EC appear to improve the quality of fruits of soilless grown tomato plants without affecting fruit yield.
机译:研究工作的目的是评估营养液的两个电导率(EC)水平,即高夜间和低白天EC v持续低EC,对水分消耗,生理响应,产量和果实品质的影响两个番茄品种(戴安娜和娜奥米)。在夜间使用高EC的营养液(6 dS m(-1))不会改变植物的生长。营养液EC并未改变番茄植物的每日耗水量,但是夜间的耗水量平均为每日总摄取量的9-19%。在第二个群集设置阶段和收获开始时,高夜间和低白天EC处理均降低了气孔导度(13%)和叶片净CO2同化(8%)。番茄产量(“戴安娜”和“拿俄米”分别为4.5和3.0千克植物(-1))的“戴安娜”和“ Naomi”值或水果质量,水果干质量,可滴定酸度和抗坏血酸的值酸不受营养液EC的影响。然而,在樱桃番茄类型(“ Naomi”)中,在最佳尺寸值(<40毫米)内的水果数量(对于其可销售性至关重要)在夜间EC较高的情况下更高。低/高(日/夜)EC时的总可溶性固形物高于连续低EC(Naomi为7.0 v 6.6度,Diana为4.6 v 4.3的白利糖度),因此出现了高EC和低EC的营养液在不影响果实产量的情况下提高无土栽培番茄植物的果实品质。



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