首页> 外文期刊>The Journal of Horticultural Science & Biotechnology >Effects of different organic anti-fungal treatments on tomato plant productivity and selected nutritional components of tomato fruit.

Effects of different organic anti-fungal treatments on tomato plant productivity and selected nutritional components of tomato fruit.


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Organic farming and horticulture require the use of more environmentally-friendly chemicals to reduce potentially harmful side-effects on producers and on consumer health. S is one of the most important natural fungicides used in organic farming to protect plants against attack by powdery mildew (Leveillula taurica). Use of natural elicitors to induce natural resistance against fungal diseases may provide an alternative to conventional treatments. Effects of wettable S and 2 elicitors (ChitoplantReg. and MilsanaReg.) on the productivity and nutritional quality of tomato (cv. Belladonna) were determined. Both elicitors, and a conventional S treatment resulted in a similar degree of protection against powdery mildew. One or more of these 3 treatments positively affected the concn. of some natural phytochemicals in tomatoes (e.g., ascorbic acid, quercetin trisaccharide, quercetin-3-O-rutinoside, beta-carotene and K) compared with untreated control plants. The minimal environmental impact and absence of any negative side-effects on growers and consumer health may encourage use of these elicitors in organic farming and horticulture.
机译:有机农业和园艺需要使用更环保的化学品,以减少对生产者和消费者健康的潜在有害副作用。 S是有机农业中最重要的天然杀真菌剂之一,可保护植物免受白粉病的侵袭(Leveillula taurica)。使用天然引发剂诱导对真菌疾病的天然抗性可以提供常规治疗的替代方法。确定了可湿性S和2种引发剂(ChitoplantReg。和MilsanaReg。)对番茄(颠茄颠茄)产量和营养品质的影响。两种引发剂和常规的S处理对白粉病的防护作用都相似。这3种治疗方法中的一种或多种积极地影响了结膜。与未经处理的对照植物相比,番茄中一些天然的植物化学成分(例如抗坏血酸,槲皮素三糖,槲皮素-3-O-芸香糖苷,β-胡萝卜素和钾)最小的环境影响以及对种植者和消费者健康的任何不利影响都可能鼓励在有机农业和园艺中使用这些诱饵剂。



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