首页> 外文期刊>The Journal of Horticultural Science & Biotechnology >The relationship between yield and assimilate supply in lychee (Litchi chinensis Sonn.)

The relationship between yield and assimilate supply in lychee (Litchi chinensis Sonn.)


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Experiments were conducted on lychee (Litchi chinensis Sonn.) in subtropical Australia (lat. 27 deg - 29 deg S) to evaluate the role of assimilates on fruit retention. All the leaves of the last flush, all the leaves of the previous flush (about eight leaves per terminal shoot), or all the old leaves were removed from trees. Medium (3-5 cm diameter) or large branches (5-10 cm diameter) were girdled and defoliated after fruit set, and fruit retention compared with ungirdled and undefoliated branches. Other branches were girdled and defoliated between anthesis and fruit harvest. Finally, 20, 50 or 80 percent of the flowering panicles were defruited on large trees. Defoliated trees had 35 to 45 percent lower yields than the controls. This was despitethe treatment with all the old leaves removed having a much lower leaf area index than the other defoliation treatments (1.7 vs. 2.3 and 2.8). Leaves next to the inflorescences are more important for yield than the older leaves. Fruit retention was verylow on girdled branches that had been defoliated, especially when the leaves were removed in the first 20 d after anthesis. This suggests that the yields of girdled branches were determined by the availability of assimilates soon after fruit set. In contrast, the number of fruit retained on ungirdled branches was unrelated to the number of leaves, with defoliation having no effect on yield. Fruit on these branches were supported by resources from elsewhere in the tree. Thinned trees had similar yieldsto those of unthinned plots (65-82 kg tree~(-1)). Thinning apparently increased fruit retention in the remaining clusters, under a higher leaf:fruit ratio. There were large differences in the concentrations of starch in the tree, and seasonal changes, with starch declining from flowering to fruit harvest. In contrast, there were only small responses to the treatments, suggesting that the fruit were mainly dependent on current photosynthesis. Photosynthesis in the leaves behind the fruit clusters was more important than photosynthesis in the older shaded leaves.
机译:在亚热带澳大利亚(南纬27度至29度)的荔枝(荔枝(Litchi chinensis Sonn。))上进行了实验,以评估同化物在保留水果中的作用。从树上除去最后一次冲洗的所有叶子,先前一次冲洗的所有叶子(每个末梢大约八片叶子)或所有旧叶子。坐果后对中型(直径3-5厘米)或大树枝(直径5-10厘米)进行环剥和去叶,与未去杂的和未去叶的分支相比,果实的滞留性更高。在花期和果实收获之间,其他树枝被剥落并脱落。最终,在大树上摘掉了20%,50%或80%的开花圆锥花序。落叶树的产量比对照低35%至45%。尽管进行了处理,但去除了所有旧叶子后的叶子面积指数却比其他脱叶处理低得多(1.7比2.3和2.8)。花序旁边的叶子比老叶子更重要的是产量。在已经脱叶的环生树枝上,果实的滞留率非常低,尤其是在开花后的前20 d摘下叶子时。这表明,在坐果后不久,带状枝的产量取决于同化物的可用性。相反,保留在未杂枝的果实上的数量与叶片的数量无关,而落叶对产量没有影响。这些树枝上的果实得到了树上其他地方资源的支持。间伐树木与未稀疏地块的产量相似(65-82公斤树木〜(-1))。在较高的叶果比下,间伐明显增加了其余果群的果实滞留率。树木中淀粉浓度和季节变化存在很大差异,淀粉从开花到收获期下降。相反,对处理的反应很小,这表明该果实主要依赖于当前的光合作用。果实簇后面的叶片中的光合作用比较老的阴影叶片中的光合作用更为重要。



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