首页> 外文期刊>The Journal of Horticultural Science & Biotechnology >Causes and control of calcium deficiency disorders in vegetables: a review.

Causes and control of calcium deficiency disorders in vegetables: a review.


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The aim of this study was to provide an overview of the causes and control of calcium (Ca)-deficiency disorders in vegetables. Ca-deficiency is usually related to the inability of the plant to translocate adequate Ca to the affected part. Many vegetables develop unique symptoms: for example blackheart in celery, tipburn in lettuce, chervil, onion, fennel, chinese cabbage and other cabbages, blossom end rot (BER) in tomato. Ca-deficiency disorders in vegetables can be controlled by various means. The growing medium influences the development of Ca-deficiency symptoms in plants. Restriction of the root volume is one factor that favours the development of Ca-deficiency symptoms in leafy vegetables, but reduces the incidence of BER in pepper. Ca-deficiency can also be avoided by using reasonable levels of nitrogen in the nutrient solution. Cations depress Ca-uptake and distribution, while anions depress the development of tipburn in plants. Ca-deficiency can be avoided by using the recommended level of salinity for each crop. Too high a salinity level increases the symptoms of Ca-deficiency in plants. Watering helps to prevent Ca-deficiency injury, as when growing vegetables outdoors. Maintaining an optimum soil moisture level helps to promote adequate movement of Ca to the roots and into the plant. A low relative humidity during the day-time increases the Ca-contents of leaves in leafy vegetables with an open growing point, but reduces the Ca contents of fruit and the inner leaves of leafy vegetables with a closed growing point. Avoiding too long a duration of supplementary lighting, too high a light intensity, and the use of high-pressure sodium lamps can prevent Ca-deficiency injury in plants. Shading may influence the incidence of BER, by reducing the appearance of symptoms of BER. Growing plants under a far-red wavelength filter helps to prevent Ca-deficiency disorders. Avoiding high or low temperatures also prevents Ca-deficiency injury. A negative DIF value (DIF=the difference between the day-time and night-time temperatures; a negative DIF means the night temperature is higher than the day temperature) may influence the incidence of tipburn injury by reducing its appearance. Air flow to the affected parts of plants can help to avoid the symptoms of Ca-deficiency. Ca sprays also help to prevent Ca-deficiency disorders in plants. Mulches can be used to protect plants against Ca-deficiency. Some crop varieties are less susceptible to Ca-deficiency. The plant growth regulator, Cultar (paclobutrazol, an inhibitor of gibberellin-biosynthesis), may influence the symptoms of Ca-deficiency in plants by reducing the appearance of the disorders. Planting a little later than the optimum date can avoid Ca-deficiency symptoms in leafy vegetables in Nordic countries. Harvesting a little earlier than the optimum date can also avoid Ca deficiency-symptoms in leafy vegetables.
机译:这项研究的目的是概述蔬菜中钙缺乏症的原因和控制方法。钙缺乏症通常与植物无法将足够的钙转移到患病部位有关。许多蔬菜会表现出独特的症状:例如芹菜中的黑心病,生菜中的烙铁头,山罗卜,洋葱,茴香,大白菜和其他卷心菜,番茄中的开花期腐烂(BER)。蔬菜中的钙缺乏症可以通过多种手段控制。生长介质会影响植物中缺钙症状的发展。限制根系含量是促使叶菜类蔬菜出现缺钙症状的因素之一,但会减少辣椒中BER的发生率。通过在营养液中使用合理水平的氮也可以避免钙缺乏症。阳离子会抑制钙的吸收和分布,而阴离子会抑制植物中烙铁的发展。通过为每种作物使用推荐的盐度水平,可以避免钙缺乏症。盐度水平过高会增加植物中缺钙的症状。浇水有助于防止钙缺乏症,例如在户外种植蔬菜时。保持最佳土壤水分含量有助于促进Ca充分移动到根部和植物中。白天相对湿度低,生长点开放的带叶蔬菜叶片中的钙含量增加,而生长点封闭的叶类蔬菜的果实和叶片内部的钙含量降低。避免辅助照明的时间过长,光强度过高,以及使用高压钠灯可以防止植物对钙缺乏症的伤害。阴影可能会通过减少BER症状的出现而影响BER的发生率。在远红外波长滤光片下种植植物有助于预防钙缺乏症。避免高温或低温还可以防止钙缺乏症。 DIF负值(DIF =白天和夜间温度之间的差; DIF负值表示夜间温度高于白天温度)可能会通过减少其外观而影响烫伤的发生率。空气流到植物的患处可以帮助避免钙缺乏症的症状。钙喷雾剂还有助于预防植物中的钙缺乏症。覆盖物可用于保护植物免于缺钙。一些作物品种不易缺钙。植物生长调节剂Cultar(巴豆丁唑,赤霉素生物合成抑制剂)可通过减少疾病的出现而影响植物中钙缺乏症的症状。播种时间比最佳日期晚一点可以避免北欧国家多叶蔬菜中的缺钙症状。早于最佳日期采收还可以避免叶菜类蔬菜出现缺钙症状。



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