首页> 外文期刊>The Journal of Horticultural Science & Biotechnology >Cloning of four new Japanese plum S-alleles and determination of the compatibility between cultivars by PCR analysis

Cloning of four new Japanese plum S-alleles and determination of the compatibility between cultivars by PCR analysis


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The Japanese plum (Primus salicina Lindl.) belongs to the Rosaceae, which carries the gametophytic self-incompatibility system. Therefore, commercial plum orchards must contain at least two cultivars, which are able to fertilize each other. However, the 5-allele content, which determines the fertilization compatibility, has not yet been identified in most of the Japanese plum varieties. This lack of knowledge may lead to cases of reduced yields due to semi, instead of full, compatibility. In the present study, five S-alleles were cloned from three Japanese plum cultivars. The genes were isolated, from genomic DNA, by applying the PCR (Polymerase Chain Reaction), resulting in fragments containing exons, as well as introns. Four of the five clones turned out to be new alleles: from 'Wickson' S3 and S6, and from 'Royal-Zee', S4 and S5. The fifth allele, S1, which was isolated from 'Red-Beaut', has been cloned previously as a cDNA sequence from 'Sordum' (named Sa, GenBank accession no. AB026981). Sequence analysis revealed an identity of approximately 85% between the exons of the clones, whereas the introns exhibited a much lower identity. The highest degree of identity to a non-Japanese plum gene was displayed by the S2 - RNase of sweet-cherry Primusavium (74-88% identity). Based on these findings, unique pairs of primers were designed allowing for PCR analysis for each of the cloned alleles. PCR with these primers was carried out to identify the level of compatibility between 'Royal-Zee' and three of its common pollenizers. It revealed that 'Black-Diamond' and 'Angeleno' are semi-compatible, since they shared S4 and S5 with 'Royal-Zee', respectively, whereas 'Black-Gam' was found to be fully compatible.
机译:日本李子(Primus salicina Lindl。)属于蔷薇科,它具有配子体自交不亲和系统。因此,商业李子园必须包含至少两个能够相互施肥的品种。但是,尚未确定大多数日本李子品种中决定受精相容性的5-等位基因含量。缺乏知识可能会导致由于半兼容性而不是完全兼容性而导致产量下降的情况。在本研究中,从三个日本李子品种中克隆了五个S等位基因。通过应用PCR(聚合酶链反应)从基因组DNA中分离基因,从而产生含有外显子和内含子的片段。五个克隆中的四个被证明是新的等位基因:来自“ Wickson” S3和S6,以及来自“ Royal-Zee”,S4和S5。从“ Red-Beaut”分离的第五个等位基因S1先前已作为“ Sordum”(命名为Sa,GenBank登录号AB026981)的cDNA序列克隆。序列分析表明,克隆的外显子之间具有约85%的同一性,而内含子则具有低得多的同一性。甜樱桃Primusavium的S2-RNase显示出与非日本李子基因的最高同一性(同一性为74-88%)。基于这些发现,设计了独特的引物对,可以对每个克隆的等位基因进行PCR分析。用这些引物进行PCR以鉴定“ Royal-Zee”与其三种常见花粉之间的相容性水平。它揭示了“黑钻石”和“天使”是半兼容的,因为它们分别与“ Royal-Zee”共享S4和S5,而“黑胶”则被发现是完全兼容的。



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