
Chilling injury in mangosteen fruit


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Major components of mangosteen (Garcinia mangostana L.) fruit quality include pericarp hardening, and shrinkage of both the stem and the sepals (calyx). At room temperature in South-East Asia (29-30 deg C) the fruit remains acceptable for about 6-8d. To determine optimum storage temperature, fruit were stored at 3 deg , 6 deg and 12 deg C (88-90 percent r.h.). Unacceptable chilling injury symptoms were found within 5 d at 3 deg and 6 deg C. Symptoms were hardening of the pericarp, browning of theedible aril, and off-flavour. Early pericarp hardening was not correlated with increased lignin synthesis, but elevated lignin levels preceded hardening at later stages. Storage at 12 deg C produced acceptable levels of chilling symptoms, and thereforeresulted in the longest storage life (20 d). Storage life at 12 deg C was limited by shriveling of the calyx and stem end. Calyces and stems were dipped in various concentrations of benzyladenine (BA), gibberellic acid (GA_3) and 1-naphthaleneacetic acid(NAA), either alone or combination, prior to storage at 12 deg C. BA delayed calyx and stem shriveling during storage, thereby allowing at least 25 d of storage. It is concluded that storage of mangosteen at 3 and 6 deg C induced unacceptable pericarp discoloration and pericarp hardening whereas storage at 12 deg C did not. Dipping in BA can be used to extend the storage period at 12 deg C.
机译:山竹(Garcinia mangostana L.)果实品质的主要成分包括果皮硬化,茎和萼片(萼)收缩。在东南亚(29-30摄氏度)的室温下,该果实在约6-8d内仍可接受。为了确定最佳存储温度,将水果分别存储在3摄氏度,6摄氏度和12摄氏度(相对湿度88-90%)下。在3℃和6℃的5天内发现了不可接受的冷害症状。症状是果皮变硬,可食用假种皮褐变和异味。早期果皮硬化与木质素合成增加没有关系,但木质素水平升高先于后期硬化。在12摄氏度下储存可产生可接受水平的发冷症状,因此可提供最长的储存寿命(20 d)。干燥花萼和茎端限制了在12摄氏度下的储存寿命。将花萼和茎单独或混合浸入不同浓度的苄基腺嘌呤(BA),赤霉素(GA_3)和1-萘乙酸(NAA)中,然后在12摄氏度下储存。从而至少可以存放25天。结论是,在3和6摄氏度下储存山竹果会导致不可接受的果皮变色和果皮硬化,而在12摄氏度下则不会。浸入BA可用于延长12摄氏度的储存时间。



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