首页> 外文期刊>The Journal of Horticultural Science & Biotechnology >Effect of ethrel in aqueous solution and ethylene released from ethrel on mango fruit ripening

Effect of ethrel in aqueous solution and ethylene released from ethrel on mango fruit ripening


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The effect of ethrel in aqueous solution and ethylene released from ethrel was evaluated on fruit ripening of 'Kitchner', 'Dr Knight' and 'Abu-Samaka' mango. Ripening was enhanced in all treated fruits of the three cultivars at all concentrations used. The ripening rate progressively increased with increase in concentration. Ethylene released from ethrel was more effective in triggering fruit ripening than dipping fruits in aqueous solution of ethrel. Depending on concentration and cultivar, ripening was 1-3 d faster in fruits dipped in 500 and 1000 ppm ethrel and 1-5 d earlier in fruits treated with 250,500 and 1000 ppm ethylene released from ethrel, compared with untrcated fruits. The effect on fruit ripening was indicated by enhanced climactericpeak, increased skin colour, increased total soluble solids and decreased flesh firmness.
机译:评价了“ Kitchner”,“ Dr。Knight”和“ Abu-Samaka”芒果的果实成熟过程,研究了乙醛在水溶液中的作用和从乙醛释放出的乙烯的影响。在所使用的所有浓度下,三个品种的所有处理过的果实的成熟度均得到增强。随着浓度的增加,成熟速率逐渐增加。从乙烯醇中释放出的乙烯比在乙烯醇水溶液中浸入水果更有效地引发果实成熟。根据浓度和栽培品种的不同,与未发酵的水果相比,浸入500和1000 ppm乙醛的果实成熟的速度要快1-3 d,而用经过ethrel释放的250,500和1000 ppm乙烯处理的果实的成熟时间要早1-5 d。更年期高峰,皮肤颜色增加,总可溶性固形物增加和果肉硬度降低表明了对水果成熟的影响。



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