首页> 外文期刊>The Journal of Horticultural Science & Biotechnology >Firmness, pectin components and cell wall hydrolases of mango fruit following low-temperature stress

Firmness, pectin components and cell wall hydrolases of mango fruit following low-temperature stress


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Mango (Mangifera indica L. cv. Nam Dokmai) fruits chilled for 21 d at 4 deg C were firmer than non-chilled fruits during subsequent ripening at 25 deg C. The cell wall contents of chilled fruit contained less water-soluble pectin,, more ammonium oxalate-soluble pectin and less alkali-soluble pectin than non-chilled fruits. The increase in ammonium oxalate-soluble pectin was at the expense of the alkali-soluble pectin and correlated with high pectinesterase activity in the fruit from low-temperature storage. Polygalacturonase and #beta#-galactosidase activities were inhibited in chilled fruits. The relationships between delay in loss of firmness, and differences between activity of cell wall enzymes and pectin content of chilled and non-chilled fruits are discussed.
机译:芒果(Mangifera indica L. cv。Nam Dokmai)在4摄氏度下冷藏21天的果实在随后的25摄氏度熟化过程中比未冷藏的果实坚硬。冷藏后的果实的细胞壁含量所含的水溶性果胶较少,与非冷藏水果相比,草酸铵可溶果胶含量更高,而碱溶性果胶含量更低。草酸铵可溶果胶的增加是以碱溶性果胶为代价的,并且与低温储存的果实中的高果胶酯酶活性有关。在冷藏水果中,聚半乳糖醛酸酶和#β#-半乳糖苷酶活性受到抑制。讨论了硬度损失的延迟与冷藏和非冷藏水果的细胞壁酶活性与果胶含量之间差异之间的关系。



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