首页> 外文期刊>The Journal of Comparative Neurology >Evolution of Posterior Parietal Cortex and Parietal-Frontal Networks for Specific Actions in Primates

Evolution of Posterior Parietal Cortex and Parietal-Frontal Networks for Specific Actions in Primates


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Posterior parietal cortex (PPC) is an extensive region of the human brain that develops relatively late and is proportionally large compared with that of monkeys and prosimian primates. Our ongoing comparative studies have led to several conclusions about the evolution of this posterior parietal region. In early placental mammals, PPC likely was a small multisensory region much like PPC of extant rodents and tree shrews. In early primates, PPC likely resembled that of prosimian galagos, in which caudal PPC (PPCc) is visual and rostral PPC (PPCr) has eight or more multisensory domains where electrical stimulation evokes different complex motor behaviors, including reaching, hand-to-mouth, looking, protecting the face or body, and grasping. These evoked behaviors depend on connections with function-ally matched domains in premotor cortex (PMC) and motor cortex (M1). Domains in each region compete with each other, and a serial arrangement of domains allows different factors to influence motor outcomes successively. Similar arrangements of domains have been retained in New and Old World monkeys, and humans appear to have at least some of these domains. The great expansion and prolonged development of PPC in humans suggest the addition of functionally distinct territories. We propose that, across primates, PMC and M1 domains are second and third levels in a number of parallel, interacting networks for mediating and selecting one type of action over others. (C) 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
机译:顶叶后皮质(PPC)是人脑的一个较大区域,发育较晚,与猴子和Prosimian灵长类动物相比,比例成比例地大。我们正在进行的比较研究已得出有关该顶壁后部区域演变的一些结论。在早期的胎盘哺乳动物中,PPC可能是一个小的多感官区域,就像现存的啮齿动物和树sh的PPC一样。在早期的灵长类动物中,PPC可能类似于prosimian galagos的动物,其中尾部PPC(PPCc)是视觉的,而鼻部PPC(PPCr)具有八个或更多的多感觉域,其中电刺激会引起不同的复杂运动行为,包括伸手摸摸,寻找,保护脸部或身体并抓紧。这些诱发的行为取决于运动前皮层(PMC)和运动皮层(M1)中功能匹配的域的连接。每个区域中的域彼此竞争,域的连续排列允许不同的因素连续影响运动结果。在新旧猴子中都保留了类似的域排列方式,人类似乎至少拥有其中一些域。 PPC在人类中的巨大扩展和长期发展表明,在功能上有所不同。我们提出,在灵长类动物中,PMC和M1域是许多并行交互网络中的第二层和第三层,用于介导和选择一种类型的行为。 (C)2015威利期刊公司



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