首页> 外文期刊>The journal of maternal-fetal & neonatal medicine >Conservative management of placenta previa complicated by abnormal placentation

Conservative management of placenta previa complicated by abnormal placentation


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Objective: Abnormal implantation of placenta previa is life-threatening condition. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the impact of the conservative management of pregnancies with such complication on maternal morbidity rate and the chance for uterine preservation (fertility). Methods: Eleven patients with abnormal implantation of placenta previa were analyzed prospectively. This complication was diagnosed antenatally by two-dimensional ultrasound and color flow Doppler. The following outcomes were analyzed: need for blood transfusion, admission and duration of stay in intensive care unit, infections, coagulopathies, time between cesarean section and delivery of placenta, hysterectomy and preservation of uterus. Results: Among the 20 085 women who had a singleton gestation, 11 (0.054%) were identified with placenta previa with abnormal placentation. In five patients (group A), hysterectomy was performed because of hemorrhage or placenta ablation. In six patients (group B), conservative management succeeded and placenta were preserved. In group A, placenta were delivered earlier (2d-8 weeks) in comparison with group B (6-15 weeks). Estimated blood loss during the delayed delivery of placenta was higher in the group with hysterectomy (respectively, 450-1600 and 300-500ml). Conclusions: Conservative management of placenta previa with abnormal implantation decreases the risk of severe hemorrhage at the time of delivery and can preserve fertility.
机译:目的:前置胎盘的异常植入危及生命。这项研究的目的是评估这种并发症的保守妊娠处理对孕产妇发病率和子宫保存机会(生育力)的影响。方法:前瞻性分析11例前置胎盘植入异常的患者。这种并发症是在产前通过二维超声和彩色多普勒诊断的。分析了以下结果:输血的需要,入院和在重症监护病房的停留时间,感染,凝血病,剖宫产与胎盘分娩之间的时间,子宫切除术和子宫保存。结果:在20 085名单胎妊娠妇女中,有11名(0.054%)被鉴定为具有异常胎盘的前置胎盘。在五名患者(A组)中,由于出血或胎盘消融而进行了子宫切除术。在六名患者(B组)中,保守治疗成功并保留了胎盘。与B组(6-15周)相比,A组的胎盘早(2d-8周)分娩。子宫切除术组估计胎盘延迟分娩期间的失血量更高(分别为450-1600ml和300-500ml)。结论:保守治疗前置胎盘并植入不正常可降低分娩时发生大出血的风险,并能保持生育能力。



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