首页> 外文期刊>The journal of maternal-fetal & neonatal medicine >Micronutrients and women of reproductive potential: required dietary intake and consequences of dietary deficiency or excess. Part I--Folate, Vitamin B12, Vitamin B6.

Micronutrients and women of reproductive potential: required dietary intake and consequences of dietary deficiency or excess. Part I--Folate, Vitamin B12, Vitamin B6.


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This two-part review highlights micronutrients for which either public health policy has been established or for which new evidence provides guidance as to recommended intakes during pregnancy. One pivotal micronutrient is folate, the generic name for different forms of a water-soluble vitamin essential for the synthesis of thymidylate and purines and, hence, DNA. For non-pregnant adult women the recommended intake is 400 mug/day dietary folate equivalent. For women capable of becoming pregnant an additional 400 mug/day of synthetic folic acid from supplements or fortified foods is recommended to reduce the risk of neural tube defects (NTD). The average amount of folic acid received through food fortification (grains) in the US is only 128 mug/day, emphasising the need for the supplemental vitamin for women of reproductive age. Vitamin B12 (cobalamin) is a cofactor required for enzyme reactions, including generation of methionine and tetrahydrofolate. B12 is found almost exclusively in foods of animal origin (meats, dairy products); therefore, vegetarians are at greatest risk for dietary vitamin B12 deficiency and should be supplemented. Vitamin B6 is required for many reactions, primarily in amino acid metabolism. Meat, fish and poultry are good dietary sources. Supplementation beyond routine prenatal vitamins is not recommended.
机译:这份由两部分组成的综述重点介绍了微量营养素,这些营养素要么已制定公共卫生政策,要么针对新营养提供了有关怀孕期间建议摄入量的指南。一种重要的微量营养素是叶酸,叶酸是合成胸苷和嘌呤并因此合成DNA所必需的不同形式的水溶性维生素的总称。对于未怀孕的成年女性,建议摄入量为400杯/天的膳食叶酸当量。对于能够怀孕的妇女,建议每天从补充剂或强化食品中额外摄取400杯/天的合成叶酸,以减少神经管畸形(NTD)的风险。在美国,通过强化食物(谷物)获得的叶酸平均量仅为每天128杯,这凸显了育龄妇女对补充维生素的需求。维生素B12(钴胺素)是酶反应(包括生成蛋氨酸和四氢叶酸)所需的辅助因子。 B12几乎仅存在于动物源性食品(肉,奶制品)中;因此,素食者饮食中维生素B12缺乏的风险最大,应予以补充。维生素B6是许多反应所必需的,主要是氨基酸代谢。肉,鱼和家禽是良好的饮食来源。不建议在常规产前补充维生素。



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