
The role of stent-grafts for prevention and treatment of restenosis.


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Restenosis rates in the superficial femoral artery remain high in patients treated with balloon angioplasty or bare metal stents. Stent-grafts represent an alternative endovascular treatment modality for these patients. In the US, the only FDA-approved stent-graft for femoral use is the Viabahn endoprosthesis (W.L. Gore, Flagstaff, AZ). The Viabahn is constructed of nitinol and ePTFE and has a proprietary heparin bioactive surface. Stent-grafts have the potential to reduce restenosis by impeding intimal hyperplasia and reducing tissue in-growth; however, the problem of edge restenosis has not been eliminated. Graft thrombosis remains an important mode of stent-graft failure. The Viabahn has been shown in observational studies and randomized trials to be an effective and safe treatment strategy compared to bare self-expanding stents and surgical prosthetic bypass grafts. Patient and appropriate lesion selection remain important in achieving long term patency. In this paper, we review the data surrounding the use of stent-grafts in the SFA to prevent and treat restenosis. Important technical considerations specific to the use of the Viabahn are also discussed.
机译:在接受球囊血管成形术或裸金属支架治疗的患者中,股浅动脉的再狭窄率仍然很高。支架移植物代表了这些患者的另一种血管内治疗方式。在美国,唯一经FDA批准的用于股骨的支架移植物是Viabahn内置假体(亚利桑那州弗拉格斯塔夫的W.L. Gore)。 Viabahn由镍钛合金和ePTFE制成,并具有专有的肝素生物活性表面。支架植入物有可能通过阻止内膜增生和减少组织向内生长来减少再狭窄。然而,边缘再狭窄的问题尚未消除。移植物血栓形成仍然是支架移植失败的重要方式。与裸露的自膨式支架和人工修复假体相比,Viabahn在观察研究和随机试验中已被证明是一种有效且安全的治疗策略。患者和适当病变的选择对于实现长期通畅仍然很重要。在本文中,我们回顾了有关在SFA中使用支架移植物预防和治疗再狭窄的数据。还讨论了有关使用Viabahn的重要技术注意事项。



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