首页> 外文期刊>The Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy >Emergence of OXA-48-producing Klebsiella pneumoniae and the novel carbapenemases OXA-244 and OXA-245 in Spain

Emergence of OXA-48-producing Klebsiella pneumoniae and the novel carbapenemases OXA-244 and OXA-245 in Spain


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Objectives: To describe the molecular and population-level characterization of a selected group of OXA-48-like-producing Klebsiella pneumoniae isolates collected in Spain between January 2011 and May 2012. Methods: During the study period, 151 OXA-48-like-producing K. pneumoniae isolates were collected from 10 hospitals in six different Spanish regions. From these, a representative sample of 21 isolates that caused hospital outbreaks and single infections was selected for further in-depth analysis. Molecular epidemiology was investigated using PFGE and multilocus sequence typing (MLST). Resistance genes were characterized by PCR and sequencing. Plasmids carrying blaOXA-48-like were studied by PFGE with S1 nuclease digestion. Results: All 21 isolates had ertapenem MICs ≥1 mg/L, but 47.6% remained susceptible to imipenem and meropenem; blaOXA-48 was identified in 19 isolates (90.5%) and the novel blaOXA-244 and blaOXA-245 genes were detected in 1 isolate each. With one exception, all isolates that contained blaOXA-48-like also contained blaCTX-M-15. PFGE typing revealed six clusters comprising isolates that belonged to MLST types ST11, ST16, ST392, ST405, ST437 and ST663, respectively. Two main clusters were identified: PFGE cluster 1 (12 isolates, belonging either to ST405 or ST663, from seven hospitals), and PFGE cluster 2 (4 ST16 isolates from two hospitals). Six of seven donor isolates conjugated successfully; blaOXA-48-like (but not blaCTX-M-15) was carried on ~60 kb Inc L/M plasmids. Conclusions: Multidrug-resistant K. pneumoniae producing OXA-48-like carbapenemase are emerging as important pathogens in Spain due to intra- and inter-hospital, clonal and non-clonal dissemination. The Author 2012. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the British Society for Antimicrobial Chemotherapy. All rights reserved.
机译:目的:描述2011年1月至2012年5月间在西班牙收集的一组选定的产生OXA-48样的肺炎克雷伯菌分离株的分子和种群水平特征。方法:在研究期间,共151例OXA-48样从西班牙六个不同地区的10家医院收集了生产肺炎克雷伯菌的分离株。从这些样本中,选择了导致医院暴发和单次感染的21株分离株的代表性样本进行进一步的深入分析。使用PFGE和多基因座序列分型(MLST)研究了分子流行病学。通过PCR和测序表征抗性基因。通过带有S1核酸酶消化的PFGE研究了携带blaOXA-48样的质粒。结果:所有21个菌株的厄他培南MIC均≥1mg / L,但仍有47.6%的患者易感染亚胺培南和美洛培南;在19个分离株(占90.5%)中鉴定出blaOXA-48,并且分别在1个分离株中检测到新的blaOXA-244和blaOXA-245基因。除了一个例外,所有包含blaOXA-48-like的分离株也都包含blaCTX-M-15。 PFGE分型揭示了六个簇,这些簇包含分别属于MLST类型ST11,ST16,ST392,ST405,ST437和ST663的分离株。确定了两个主要的集群:PFGE集群1(来自7家医院的12个分离株,分别属于ST405或ST663)和PFGE集群2(来自两家医院的4个ST16分离株)。七个供体分离物中的六个成功结合。大约60 kb Inc L / M质粒带有blaOXA-48-like(但不是blaCTX-M-15)。结论:由于医院内和医院内,克隆和非克隆的传播,产生多药耐药性肺炎克雷伯菌的OXA-48样碳青霉烯酶已成为西班牙的重要病原体。作者2012。由牛津大学出版社代表英国抗菌化学协会出版。版权所有。


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