首页> 外文期刊>The Journal of cardiovascular nursing >Call to action on use and reimbursement for home blood pressure monitoring: a joint scientific statement from the American Heart Association, American Society of Hypertension, and Preventive Cardiovascular Nurses Association.

Call to action on use and reimbursement for home blood pressure monitoring: a joint scientific statement from the American Heart Association, American Society of Hypertension, and Preventive Cardiovascular Nurses Association.


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Home blood pressure monitoring (HBPM) overcomes many of the limitations of traditional office blood pressure (BP) measurement and is both cheaper and easier to perform than ambulatory BP monitoring. Monitors that use the oscillometric method are currently available that are accurate, reliable, easy to use, and relatively inexpensive. An increasing number of patients are using them regularly to check their BP at home, but although this has been endorsed by national and international guidelines, detailed recommendations for their use have been lacking. There is a rapidly growing literature showing that measurements taken by patients at home are often lower than readings taken in the office and closer to the average BP recorded by 24-hour ambulatory monitors, which is the BP that best predicts cardiovascular risk. Because of the larger numbers of readings that can be taken by HBPM than in the office and the elimination of the white-coat effect (the increase of BP during an office visit), home readings aremore reproducible than office readings and show better correlations with measures of target organ damage. In addition, prospective studies that have used multiple home readings to express the true BP have found that home BP predicts risk better than office BP (Class IIa; Level of Evidence A). This call-to-action article makes the following recommendations: (1) It is recommended that HBPM should become a routine component of BP measurement in the majority of patients with known or suspected hypertension; (2) Patients should be advised to purchase oscillometric monitors that measure BP on the upper arm with an appropriate cuff size and that have been shown to be accurate according to standard international protocols. They should be shown how to use them by their healthcare providers; (3) Two to 3 readings should be taken while the subject is resting in the seated position, both in the morning and at night, over a period of 1 week. A total of /=12 readings are recommended for making clinical decisions; (4) HBPM is indicated in patients with newly diagnosed or suspected hypertension, in whom it may distinguish between white-coat and sustained hypertension. If the results are equivocal, ambulatory BP monitoring may help to establish the diagnosis; (5) In patients with prehypertension, HBPM may be useful for detecting masked hypertension; (6) HBPM is recommended for evaluating the response to any type of antihypertensive treatment and may improve adherence; (7) The target HBPM goal for treatment is 135/85 mm Hg or 130/80 mm Hg in high-risk patients; (8) HBPM is useful in the elderly, in whom both BP variability and the white-coat effect are increased; (9) HBPM is of value in patients with diabetes, in whom tight BP control is of paramount importance; (10) Other populations in whom HBPM may be beneficial include pregnant women, children, and patients with kidney disease; and (11) HBPM has the potential to improve the quality of care while reducing costs and should be reimbursed.
机译:家用血压监测(HBPM)克服了传统办公室血压(BP)测量的许多限制,并且比动态BP监测更便宜,更容易执行。当前可以使用使用示波法的监视器,这些监视器准确,可靠,易于使用且相对便宜。越来越多的患者在家中定期使用它们来检查血压,但是尽管这已得到国家和国际准则的认可,但仍缺乏有关其使用的详细建议。迅速增长的文献表明,在家中患者进行的测量通常低于在办公室进行的测量,并且更接近24小时门诊监护仪记录的平均BP,这是最能预测心血管风险的BP。由于HBPM可以比办公室读取更多的读数,并且消除了白衣效应(办公室访问期间BP的增加),因此家庭读数比办公室读数更具可复制性,并且与测量值显示更好的相关性靶器官损伤。此外,使用多个家庭读数来表达真实血压的前瞻性研究发现,家庭血压比办公室血压预测的风险更好(IIa类;证据水平A)。这篇号召性用语提出以下建议:(1)建议在大多数已知或怀疑患有高血压的患者中,HBPM应该成为血压测量的常规组成部分; (2)应建议患者购买示波监测仪,以合适的袖带尺寸测量上臂的血压,并已根据国际标准规程证明是准确的。医疗保健提供者应向他们展示如何使用它们; (3)在1周的时间内,无论早晨还是晚上,受试者在坐姿休息时都应进行2至3次读数。建议一共> / = 12个读数来做出临床决定。 (4)HBPM适用于新诊断或怀疑患有高血压的患者,可以区分白大褂和持续性高血压。如果结果不明确,动态血压监测可能有助于确定诊断。 (5)在高血压前期患者中,HBPM可能有助于检测掩盖性高血压; (6)建议使用HBPM评估对任何类型的降压治疗的反应,并可能改善依从性; (7)高危患者的治疗目标HBPM目标是<135/85 mm Hg或<130/80 mm Hg; (8)HBPM适用于老年人,BP变异性和白涂层效应均增加; (9)HBPM在糖尿病患者中具有重要意义,其中严格控制血压至关重要。 (10)HBPM可能有益的其他人群包括孕妇,儿童和肾病患者; (11)HBPM有潜力在降低成本的同时提高护理质量,应予以报销。



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