首页> 外文会议>Joint annual meeting of the International Society of Exposure Science and the International Society for Environmental Epidemiology >Urbanization and Prevalence of Hypertension Based on 2017 American Heart Association Guideline for High Blood Pressure in the PURSE-HIS Cohort

Urbanization and Prevalence of Hypertension Based on 2017 American Heart Association Guideline for High Blood Pressure in the PURSE-HIS Cohort




BACKGROUND: In India, rapid urbanization has had a significant impact on the environment. Little is known about the impact of urban environment on the prevalence of hypertension (HTN). Here we assess the association between HTN and urbanization while controlling for cardiovascular risk factors in the PURSE-HIS cohort, India. METHODS: Based on census data, a random sample included 8080 participants (20-76 yrs of age; 56% female) from urban, semi-urban, or rural areas spread over 80 × 80 km. MODIS satellite land cover data at a 1 km × 1 km resolution was joined to participant's geolocated residential position in ArcGIS to assign urban and rural (crops, trees, shrubs and grass land cover) designations. HTN was diagnosed based on an average of 3 brachial blood pressure measures and the 2017 American Heart Association guideline for HTN diagnosis. Multivariable regression models tested the associations between urbanization measures and HTN, adjusting for age, sex, BMI, physical activity, smoking, socioeconomic, stress, anxiety, cholesterol and sodium intake levels and diabetes status. RESULTS: Based on census, prevalence in urban, semi-urban and rural communities was 49.3%, 41.3% and 31.6%, respectively. Based on MODIS urban, trees, grass and crops land cover, the prevalence was 46.7%, 39.7%, 37.9% and 35%, respectively. In fully adjusted models, urban participants (OR: 2.11 [1.89, 2.36]) and those residing in urban land cover (OR: 1.53 [1.37,1.69]) had significantly higher odds for HTN when compared to participants in rural areas and crops land cover, respectively. CONCLUSIONS: With close to 50% of the urban population with HTN, there is a significantly higher prevalence of HTN based on the latest (2017) guidelines than previously reported. There is an independent association between urbanization measures and HTN after controlling for cardiovascular risk factors, suggesting unaccounted factors in the urban environment driving the prevalence HTN in urban India.
机译:背景:在印度,快速的城市化进程已对环境产生重大影响。关于城市环境对高血压(HTN)患病率的影响知之甚少。在这里,我们评估了印度PURSE-HIS人群中HTN与城市化之间的关系,同时控制了心血管危险因素。方法:根据人口普查数据,随机样本包括8080名参与者(20-76岁;女性56%),他们来自城市,半城市或农村地区,分布在80×80 km。以1 km×1 km的分辨率将MODIS卫星土地覆盖数据添加到参与者在ArcGIS中的地理位置住宅位置,以分配城市和乡村(作物,树木,灌木和草皮土地覆盖)名称。根据3项臂式血压测量平均值和2017年美国心脏协会HTN诊断指南诊断HTN。多变量回归模型测试了城市化措施与HTN之间的关联,并针对年龄,性别,BMI,身体活动,吸烟,社会经济,压力,焦虑,胆固醇和钠摄入水平以及糖尿病状况进行了调整。结果:根据人口普查,城市,半城市和农村社区的患病率分别为49.3%,41.3%和31.6%。根据MODIS城市,树木,草木和农作物的土地覆盖率,患病率分别为46.7%,39.7%,37.9%和35%。在完全调整的模型中,与农村地区和耕地参与者相比,城市参与者(OR:2.11 [1.89,2.36])和居住在城市土地覆盖物中的参与者(OR:1.53 [1.37,1.69])的HTN几率明显更高。分别覆盖。结论:根据最新的(2017)指南,在近50%的城市HTN人口中,HTN的患病率明显高于以前的报道。在控制了心血管危险因素之后,城市化措施与HTN之间存在独立的关联,这表明城市环境中的不确定因素推动了印度城市HTN的流行。



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