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European Framework for Unfair Commercial Practices: Analysis of Directive 2005/29


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Directive 2005/29 on Unfair Commercial Practices was signed by the European Parliament and the Council on May 11, 2005. The directive was published in the Official Journal on June 11. This directive (hereafter the directive), which was proposed on June 18, 2003 by the Commission of the European Communities, relates to unfair business-to-consumer commercial practices in the Internal Market and amends Directives 84/450, 97/7 and 98/27. It is in turn based on the 2001 Green Paper on EU Consumer Protection (hereafter the Green Paper). t the heart of the directive lies the ambition to tackle barriers to cross-border provision of goods and services to consumers. Consequently, the Green Paper identifies a framework containing a general duty in relation to unfair commercial practices, which can act as a possible basis for reform.
机译:欧洲议会和理事会于2005年5月11日签署了有关不正当商业行为的第2005/29号指令。该指令于6月11日在官方公报上发布。该指令(以下称指令)于6月18日提出,欧洲共同体委员会于2003年对内部市场中不公平的企业对消费者商业行为进行了修订,并修改了第84 / 450、97 / 7和98/27号指令。它反过来基于2001年欧盟消费者保护绿皮书(以下简称绿皮书)。该指令的核心是消除跨境向消费者提供商品和服务的障碍。因此,绿皮书确定了一个框架,其中载有与不正当商业行为有关的一般义务,可以作为改革的可能依据。



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