首页> 外文期刊>The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology >A study on the residual stress during selective laser melting (SLM) of metallic powder

A study on the residual stress during selective laser melting (SLM) of metallic powder


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The complex thermal history of the parts manufactured by selective laser melting (SLM) leads to complex residual stress, having a significant impact on the quality of SLM part. The origin of residual stress was investigated in terms of temperature gradient mechanism. Then, stresses along the height and horizontal directions were measured by X-ray diffraction, and effects of processing parameters on the stress distribution were studied. Results showed that residual stress distribution and evolution along the height direction are affected by the subsequent thermal cycling (STC) significantly. In the horizontal direction, higher energy input and longer track length induce larger residual stress. The stress parallel to the scanning direction is much larger than that perpendicular to the scanning direction, and the peak values of residual stress always occurs at the onset of scanning tracks. Based on this study, corresponding measures can be taken to reduce the residual stress or avoid stress concentration, thereby improving the process stability of SLM.



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