首页> 外文期刊>The Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology >Neighborhood differences in exposure and sensitization to cockroach, mouse, dust mite, cat, and dog allergens in New York City.

Neighborhood differences in exposure and sensitization to cockroach, mouse, dust mite, cat, and dog allergens in New York City.


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BACKGROUND: Asthma prevalence varies widely among neighborhoods within New York City. Exposure to mouse and cockroach allergens has been suggested as a cause. OBJECTIVE: To test the hypotheses that children living in high asthma prevalence neighborhoods (HAPNs) would have higher concentrations of cockroach and mouse allergens in their homes than children in low asthma prevalence neighborhoods (LAPNs), and that these exposures would be related to sensitization and asthma. METHODS: In the New York City Neighborhood Asthma and Allergy Study, a case-control study of asthma, children 7 to 8 years old from HAPNs (n = 120) and LAPNs (n = 119) were recruited through the same middle-income health insurance plan. Children were classified as asthma cases (n = 128) or controls without asthma (n = 111) on the basis of reported symptoms or medication use. Allergens were measured in bed dust. RESULTS: HAPN homes had higher Bla g 2 (P = .001), Mus m 1 (P = .003), and Fel d 1 (P = .003) and lower Der f 1 (P = .001) than LAPN homes. Sensitization to indoor allergens was associated with asthma, but relevant allergens differed between LAPNs and HAPNs. Sensitization to cockroach was more common among HAPN than LAPN children (23.7% vs 10.8%; P = .011). Increasing allergen exposure was associated with increased probability of sensitization (IgE) to cockroach (P < .001), dust mite (P = .009), and cat (P = .001), but not mouse (P = .58) or dog (P = .85). CONCLUSION: These findings further demonstrate the relevance of exposure and sensitization to cockroach and mouse in an urban community and suggest that cockroach allergen exposure could contribute to the higher asthma prevalence observed in some compared with other New York City neighborhoods.
机译:背景:哮喘的患病率在纽约市内各社区之间差异很大。已建议将其暴露于小鼠和蟑螂的过敏原中。目的:为了检验以下假设:生活在哮喘高发区(HAPNs)的儿童比家里的哮喘低发区(LAPNs)的儿童体内蟑螂和小鼠过敏原的浓度更高,并且这些暴露与致敏性和哮喘。方法:在纽约市邻里哮喘和变态反应研究中,一项哮喘病例对照研究通过相同的中等收入健康水平招募了7岁至8岁的HAPN(n = 120)和LAPN(n = 119)儿童保险计划。根据报告的症状或药物使用情况,将儿童分为哮喘病例(n = 128)或无哮喘的对照组(n = 111)。在床粉尘中测量过敏原。结果:与LAPN房屋相比,HAPN房屋的Bla g 2(P = .001),Mus m 1(P = .003)和Fel d 1(P = .003)高,而Der f 1(P = .001)较低。 。对室内过敏原的过敏与哮喘有关,但是LAPN和HAPN之间的相关过敏原有所不同。在HAPN中,对蟑螂的过敏反应比对LAPN的儿童更为常见(23.7%对10.8%; P = .011)。变应原暴露的增加与对蟑螂(P <.001),尘螨(P = .009)和猫(P = .001)的致敏性(IgE)的增加相关,而对小鼠(P = .58)的致敏性则增加了狗(P = .85)。结论:这些发现进一步证明了城市社区中的蟑螂和老鼠接触和致敏性的相关性,并表明与纽约市其他社区相比,蟑螂过敏原的接触可能导致某些地区哮喘患病率更高。



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