首页> 外文期刊>The Indian Veterinary Journal >Experimental Study on Embryonation and Establishment of Toxocara canis Patent Infection in Pups

Experimental Study on Embryonation and Establishment of Toxocara canis Patent Infection in Pups


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The establishment of Toxocara canis infection in the definitive host follows a complicated pathway confronting migration, host's age and immune status. Thus, a study was conducted to observe the establishment of patent Toxocara canis infection in pups. Three (1- month- old) pups (non- descript) were used in the experiment. The pups were dewormed by using albendazole @ 5 mg/ kg body weight, orally for 3 consecutive days. These pups were infected with 500 infective eggs of Toxocara canis. Embryonationof the eggs of Toxocara canis was carried out at three different controlled temperatures i.e. 25°C ± 1°C, 27°C ± 1°C and 29°C ± 1°C, in the laboratory and took 11, 8 and 9 days, respectively to reach infective larvated eggs stage. Faeces of thedonor pups revealed prepatent period of 34 - 36 days. Thus, 27°C ± 1°C was observed as the optimum temperature for environmental development of T. canis eggs, which may pose a threat to patent infections in pups and zoonotic infection in human beings.
机译:在确定的宿主中,Toxocara canis犬的感染遵循复杂的途径,面临迁移,宿主的年龄和免疫状况。因此,进行了一项研究以观察幼犬中弓形犬Toxocara canis感染的建立。实验中使用了三只(1个月大)幼崽(没有描述)。通过连续5天口服阿苯达唑(5 mg / kg体重)对幼犬进行驱虫。这些幼犬感染了500株Toxocara canis感染性卵。在实验室中,在25°C±1°C,27°C±1°C和29°C±1°C这三种不同的受控温度下进行犬弓形虫卵的胚胎化,历时11天,8天和9天分别达到幼虫感染卵的阶段。供体幼犬的粪便显示患病期为34-36天。因此,观察到27°C±1°C是犬圆弧菌卵在环境中发育的最佳温度,这可能对幼崽的专利感染和人类的人畜共患病造成威胁。



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