首页> 外文期刊>The international journal of developmental biology >The poetry of reproduction: The role of LEAFY in Arabidopsis thaliana flower formation

The poetry of reproduction: The role of LEAFY in Arabidopsis thaliana flower formation


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For successful reproduction, angiosperms must form fertile flowers at the appropriate positions and at the appropriate times. The reproductive transition is especially important for monocarpic plants that only flower once. In the model annual plant Arabidopsis thaliana, this transition is controlled through regulation of a group of genes termed floral meristem identity genes, of which LEAFY (LFY) is arguably the most important. LFY orthologs are found throughout land plants and are essential for angiosperm reproduction. These genes have also been implicated in reproductive development in gymnosperms. LFY encodes a plant-specific transcription factor that can act as either an activator or repressor depending on context, including what co-factors it is interacting with. It controls multiple aspects of floral morphogenesis, including phyllotaxis, organ number, organ identity and determinacy. Much progress has been made in elucidating the molecular mechanisms through which LFY and its orthologs contribute to a precise switch to flowering. We discuss the current state of knowledge in Arabidopsis, with an emphasis on known target genes and co-factors of LFY.
机译:为了成功繁殖,被子植物必须在适当的位置和适当的时间形成可育的花朵。对于只开花一次的单果类植物而言,生殖过渡尤为重要。在模式一年生植物拟南芥中,这种转变是通过调节一组称为花分生组织同一性基因的基因来控制的,其中叶AF(LFY)可能是最重要的。 LFY直系同源物遍布陆地植物,对被子植物的繁殖至关重要。这些基因也与裸子植物的生殖发育有关。 LFY编码一种植物特异的转录因子,取决于环境(包括与之相互作用的辅因子),它可以充当激活物或阻遏物。它控制着花形态发生的多个方面,包括花序,器官数目,器官身份和确定性。在阐明LFY及其直系同源物有助于精确转换为开花的分子机制方面已取得了很大进展。我们讨论拟南芥的当前知识状态,重点是已知的靶基因和LFY的辅助因子。



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