首页> 外文期刊>The ICAC Recorder >The Slow Changing Sector of Technology Transfer

The Slow Changing Sector of Technology Transfer


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The goal of research is to develop technology capable of improving productivity, lowering production costs, devising safer methods by which to produce high quality cotton and making cotton production a sustainable undertaking for all allied industries. The specific objectives of research may differ for different production systems; they may focus on just one aspect at a time, and the priorities will certainly change over time. Whatever the focus or priorities may be, the objective is to develop a technological package that is both viable and easily implemented by farmers. It is a well-known fact that farmers around the world have only minimal direct communication with researchers. When a technology package, or an element of a package is developed, it has to be thoroughly tested before it is transferred to farmers. Technology transfer systems are responsible for disseminating the package to the growers. Thus the three key pillars of a successful production system are: development of a technology package, efficient dissemination to producers and successful implementation by them.



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