首页> 外文期刊>The Indian Journal of Animal Sciences >Housing and feeding management practices of dairy animals in the tribal area of South Gujarat.

Housing and feeding management practices of dairy animals in the tribal area of South Gujarat.


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A field survey was conducted to collect the first hand information on dairy animal management practices followed by the tribal dairy animal owners of Vansada taluka of Navsari district of South Gujarat. Existing housing and feeding management practices were studied through pre designed and pre tested questionnaire from 200 dairy animal owners. Close type of animal house was provided by 98% of the farmers. Kaccha type of floor was observed in 87% of the houses. Earthen plates with thatched roof were present in 94% of the animal sheds and wooden poles were used to support roof in 85.5% of the houses. Pucca drainage facility of urine was found in only 6% of animal shed. Paddy straw was used as dry fodder by 98% of farmers. All the farmers provided green natural border grasses of cultivated plots and grasses from fellow land. In addition to this 75% of farmers grew fodder crops. None of the farmers practiced silage making. Concentrates was fed to the animals after milking by 91% of the farmers. Mineral supplements were provided by only 30.5% of farmers to their milch animals.
机译:进行了实地调查,以收集有关奶牛管理实践的第一手信息,随后是南古吉拉特邦Navsari区的Vansada taluka部落的奶牛所有者。现有的住房和饲喂管理做法通过200名奶牛所有者的预先设计和预先测试的问卷进行了研究。 98%的农民提供了封闭式动物房。在87%的房屋中发现了 Kaccha 型地板。 94%的动物棚屋中都有带茅草屋顶的土制板,而85.5%的房屋则使用木杆支撑屋顶。尿的 Pucca 排水设施仅在6%的动物棚中发现。 98%的农民将稻草用作干饲料。所有的农民都提供了耕地的绿色天然边界草和同乡的草。除此之外,还有75%的农民种植饲料作物。没有一个农民练习青贮饲料。 91%的农民在挤奶后将浓缩液喂给动物。只有30.5%的农民向他们的家畜提供了矿物质补充剂。



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