首页> 外文期刊>The Indian Journal of Agronomy >Effect of establishment methods and nutrient management on physiological attributes and water-use efficiency of rice (Oryza sativa) in a sub-tropical climal

Effect of establishment methods and nutrient management on physiological attributes and water-use efficiency of rice (Oryza sativa) in a sub-tropical climal

机译:建立方法和养分管理对亚热带气候区水稻(Oryza sativa)生理特性和水分利用效率的影响

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A field experiment was conducted during the rainy (kharif) seasons of 2004 to 2008 in acid soils of sub-tropical Meghalaya, under rainfed condition, to evaluate the impact of crop-establishment methods and nutrient-management practices on growth and physiological parameters of rice (Oryza sativa L). Three establishment methods, viz. system of rice intensification (SRI), integrated crop management (ICM) and conventional rice culture (CRC), were evaluated under 5 nutrient-management practices, viz. recommended dose of fertilizers (RDF) (80 : 60 : 40 N, P205, K20 kg/ha), farmyard manure (FYM) 10 t/ha, 50% RDF + FYM 10 t/ha, RDF + FYM 5 t/ha and control (no FYM or fertilizer). Seedlings of 10, 20 and 30 days age were transplanted at a spacing of 25 cm x25 cm, 20 cm x 20 cm and 20 cm x 15 cm for SRI, ICM and CRC respectively. Pooled data of year 2007 and 2008 revealed that SRI method recorded higher values of growth parameters, viz. plant height, number of tillers/hill, number of leaves, dry-matter production and root growth, than ICM and CRC methods. Significantly higher root volume and root dry weight were recorded with SRI than ICM and CRC methods. Application of RDF + FYM 5 t/ha being at par with 50% RDF + FYM 10 t/ha showed relatively taller plants, higher numbers of tillers, leaves, dry matter, root volume and root dry weight/hill than the other nutrient-management practices. The rice crop matured earlier (135 days) under SRI rice culture than that under ICM (141 days) and CRC (148 days) methods. Photosynthetic rate (PR) and water-use efficiency (WUE) were significantly higher under SRI, whereas transpiration rate (TR) was higher under CRC. Rice culture under SRI recorded higher values of yield-attributing parameters, viz. number of panicles/hill and number of grains/panicle than ICM and CRC. However, the grain and straw yields were significantly more with ICM than that of CRC but were at par with, SRI methods. Integrated application of RDF + FYM 5 t/ha followed by 50% RDF + FYM 10 t/ha gavehigher value of all the yield-attributing parameters and yield of rice compared to the control. The highest net returns were recorded under ICM rice culture and application of RDF + FYM 5 t/ha.
机译:在雨育条件下,于2004年至2008年的雨季(哈里夫)在亚热带梅加拉亚邦的酸性土壤中进行了田间试验,以评估农作物耕种方法和养分管理措施对水稻生长和生理参数的影响(水稻)。三种建立方法,即。在5种养分管理措施下,评估了水稻强化系统(SRI),综合作物管理(ICM)和常规水稻栽培(CRC)。推荐肥料剂量(RDF)(80:60:40 N,P205,K20千克/公顷),农家肥料(FYM)10吨/公顷,50%RDF + FYM 10吨/公顷,RDF + FYM 5吨/公顷和控制(没有FYM或肥料)。对于SRI,ICM和CRC,分别以25 cm x25 cm,20 cm x 20 cm和20 cm x 15 cm的间距移植10、20和30天的幼苗。 2007年和2008年的汇总数据显示,SRI方法记录了较高的生长参数值,即。与ICM和CRC方法相比,植物高度,分till /丘陵数,叶片数,干物质生产和根系生长。与ICM和CRC方法相比,使用SRI记录的根体积和根干重显着更高。 RDF + FYM 5吨/公顷的施肥量与50%RDF + FYM 10吨/公顷的施肥水平相当,与其他养分相比,植株相对较高,分ers,叶片,干物质,根系体积和根系干重/山坡数量更高。管理实践。在SRI水稻栽培下,水稻作物的成熟时间比ICM(141天)和CRC(148天)方法早(135天)。在SRI下,光合速率(PR)和水分利用效率(WUE)显着较高,而在CRC下,蒸腾速率(TR)较高。 SRI下的水稻培养记录了更高的产量属性参数值。比ICM和CRC的穗数/丘陵数和谷粒/穗数。但是,ICM的谷物和稻草单产明显高于CRC,但与SRI方法相当。与对照相比,先施用RDF + FYM 5吨/公顷,再施用50%RDF + FYM 10吨/公顷的高产量,所有产量归因参数和水稻产量均高于对照。在ICM水稻栽培和RDF + FYM 5吨/公顷的施用下,净收益最高。



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