首页> 外文期刊>The Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences >Impact of stand density and levels of nitrogen on yield maximization and N utilization of rice (Oryza sativa) under deepwater situation.

Impact of stand density and levels of nitrogen on yield maximization and N utilization of rice (Oryza sativa) under deepwater situation.


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A field experiment was conducted during the 2002 and 2003 wet seasons in Cuttack, Orissa, India, to study the effect of stand density (high at 150 cm2 hill- at 15x10 cm spacing; medium or normal 300 cm2 hill- at 15x20 cm spacing; and low at 450 cm2 hill- at 15x30 cm spacing) and N fertilizer rates (0, 40, 60 and 80 kg/ha) on the yield and N utilization of rice cv. Sarala. Low density stand gave significantly high grain yield (2.56 t/ha). In addition, the application of different N rates showed the highest grain yield (3.15 t/ha) with an optimum rate of 60 kg N/ha, which derived maximum N use efficiency (27.12 kg grain/kg N), N uptake (0.46 kg/ha) and N recovery (16.81%). N at 60 kg/ha combined with low density stand produced the highest grain yield (3.40 t/ha)..
机译:在2002年和2003年雨季期间,在印度奥里萨邦的Cuttack进行了田间试验,以研究林分密度的影响(高150 cm2丘陵-15x10 cm间距;中等或正常300 cm2丘陵-15x20 cm间距;且在450平方厘米的山丘上以15x30厘米的间距低)和氮肥施用量(0、40、60和80公斤/公顷)对水稻的产量和氮利用量。萨拉。低密度林分可显着提高谷物产量(2.56吨/公顷)。此外,施用不同的氮肥比例显示出最高的谷物产量(3.15吨/公顷),最佳氮肥利用率为60千克氮/公顷,从而获得最大的氮利用效率(27.12千克谷物/千克氮),氮素吸收(0.46) kg / ha)和N回收率(16.81%)。以60 kg / ha的氮量与低密度的林分相结合可产生最高的谷物产量(3.40 t / ha)。



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